It was the big moment for a 10 year old girl, named Cassie Jones, as she is about to begin her first main role in the movie. She had been counting weeks, and days up to that point, and she’s really excited to have her face being shown in posters and more time in screen too.
In these previous years, Cassie has worked in small roles, so that she would play as a child of the protagonist in the movie. Now that she learned everything how this works, she cannot wait get her movie career started. But the problem was, she didn’t know what part of the film she’s gonna be in, hence from what the producers were saying they’ve got a whole lot of surprise for a youngster, something she’s never thought about it at all.
She would take number or guesses to find out what it was, but the answer would finally unveiled on the filming day, where Cassie is about to meet the producer, named David Newton in the office. She does met him before, but it’s when it was to be kept secret until then they makes her feeling a bit nervous in due respects. But Cassie puts on a brave face with a smile, and knocked on the door before entering the office, where David can be seen smiling, sitting at his desk with the expected arrival.
“Well looks who it is? It’s our movie star, Cassie Jones! Please, take a seat, and I’ll tell you more about the movie itself.” David makes a enthusiastic welcome to Cassie, when he saw the youngster come into the office.
“Why thank you, Mr Newton!” Cassie replied with a big smile in her face.
She wasted no time but come over and sit on the chair, facing the producer across the desk. There were script papers can be seen on the desk, and she could only wonder if that’s the film she’s gonna be on? But she remained silent for a moment, as David is about to speak about the project he wants to make a good profit of it.
“Well, I’m sure we’ve been keeping you a secret until now. But we’ve made a script for a film, just for you.” David says as he pointed Cassie to the script papers. “Why don’t you take a look and see if everything’s alright for you?”
Cassie nodded, and takes the script to have a look in full detail. She liked everything she saw, even with her name being there, and the character she’s about to play as. This is her dream, and she couldn’t believe it’s happened with a script she’s really holding right now. That’s when she looked at the title itself, which seems to be rather strange to come up with an idea itself. So she asked David just to make sure of things.
“Umm... Mr Newton, can I ask what’s the movie all about?” Cassie asked as she showed David of the name of the movie, which is called what?