"So if I can do anything, that means I can go and see my family, right?" Timothy asked Amia.
"Well yes, but I don't recommend it," Amia replied.
"Tough, I'm doing it," Timothy told her. "So how do I use these powers?"
"Just will something to happen, and it will. But please Lord, I really think you should-" Amia didn't get to finish her sentence before the new God vanished.
Timothy appeared at a place he knew very well, his street, back on Earth. He felt a breeze on his skin, and realised that he was naked. He snapped his fingers, and made a set of casual clothes appear on his body. He then turned and looked at his old house, which he and his wife had Rachel had picked out together. He walked up to the front door, and knocked on it. Soon later, his wife opened the door.
"Whatever you're selling, we don't want-" she said, before she saw the man stood before her. She stared for nearly a minute before Timothy broke the silence.
"Hey honey," he said.
Rachel quickly reached into her top, and pulled out a crucifix that she was wearing as a necklace, holding it out to him.
"Get back demon! Don't come near me!" She shouted.
"Rachel, it's me, Tim! Your husband!" God said to his wife.
"My husband is dead!" She shouted, thrusting the crucifix further towards him. "I won't be fooled by your tricks, servant of Satan!"
"This is ridiculous," Timothy said. "Since when were you a religious nutcase?" Timothy pushed past her, and into the house, walking through to the living room. You've changed the wallpaper! I loved the old one!" Rachel ran into the kitchen, and came out carrying a tub of water, which she threw over him.
"What was that for?" Timothy asked her.
"I don't understand," she said. "That should have set you alight in holy fire..."
"Maybe it's because I'm not a demon? Now where are Lily and Daisy?"
"You won't have them!" Rachel screamed, throwing him against the floor whilst holding her crucifix up to him. He had to admit, his wife was strong. She then got down on her knees, closed her eyes, and put her hands together.
"Oh glorious and merciful Heavenly Father," she prayed. "Please save me from this unholy manifestation. Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name..." Timothy didn't think he'd ever seen his wife this scared before. She genuinely believed that he was some sort of demon sent to tempt her into serving Satan.
"Mom, we're home!" They heard a female voice say from the doorway.
"Girls, stay away!" Rachel shouted to them. Timothy turned, and saw two young girls, looking almost exactly alike, walk into the room.
"Lily?...Daisy?" Timothy asked.
"Duh," Lily replied. "Mom, who is this?"
"Stay away from them!" Rachel shouted, running between Timothy and their daughters. "You won't have them, hellspawn!"
"Oh great, mom's in one of her weird, über Christian moods again," Daisy said.
"But...you're both so old..." Timothy said. "What's the date today?"
"5th June 2014," Daisy replied. "What are you, stupid?"
"So you're 17...You've both gotten so big..." Timothy said, thinking of the baby girls he remembered.
"Wow, the traffic today was chaos," a familiar voice said as it walked into the room, and stared at Timothy. "Tim!? What the fuck!?"
"Jim, what are you doing here?" Timothy asked the man who'd been his best friend since childhood.
"I should ask you the same thing!" Jim replied. "You're dead!"
"And now I'm not!" Timothy then looked down at Jim's hand, and saw a ring on his finger. "Are you two-"
"10 years next month," Jim said to him.
"Dad, who is this?" Lily asked her stepfather.
"Girls, go to your rooms," Jim told them.
"But dad-"
The girls went upstairs silently, and Rachel walked up to Jim, still holding her crucifix up to Timothy.
"Honey, I'm gonna call Father Brian," she said. "Just hold this crucifix up to him until I get back. I should protect you." Rachel ran into the kitchen, and picked up the phone. Jim meanwhile lowered the crucifix.
"I've never believed any of the religious stuff she's into," he said. "But I still need some sort of proof. Tell me something only the real Tim would know."
"When you were 7, you got caught staring at your sister in the shower."
"Tim...is it really you?"
"It's me."
"Wow...how the hell are you here?" Jim asked, as Timothy flopped down onto his favourite spot on the sofa. "I mean, I saw your body. Or what was left of it..."
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Tim replied.
"Try me."
"No, first I want some answers. For starters, why is my wife such a religious nut?"
"After you died, she found religion. Her way of coping I guess."
"Alright, next question: Why is my best friend married to my wife?"
"Lily and Daisy needed a father, and Rachel needed comfort."
"I've called the priest, he says he'll come right away," Rachel said, throwing some more holy water on Timothy. "Get off my sofa demon, and back to hell, where you belong!"
"Honey, this isn't a demon," Jim said to her. "It really is Tim."
"Oh no, he's got to you!" Rachel exclaimed. "Don't worry honey, Father Brian'll be here soon, and then we can get you healed, and this demon banished."
"I think it's best if I leave," Timothy said, and headed to the door.
"Don't worry, I'll try calm her down," Jim said as his old friend left.
Timothy looked across the street, and saw Amia sat on the bench.
"Were you watching all that?" He asked.
"I'm sorry Lord, did you wish for privacy?" Amia asked, as Tim sat down with her.
"Did you know this was going to happen?"
"Lord, you've been away more than 16 years. Did you really expect everything to be exactly as you left it?"
"I didn't realise I'd been away for so long..."
"Time flies when you're having fun, and we try to make sure that heaven is as fun as possible."
"So what do I do now?" Timothy asked her.
"You do what you're supposed to do," Amia replied. "As God, it's your job to run the universe. So run it, and forget about your family."
"My own daughters didn't even recognise me..."
"They were one when you died. Can you blame them?"
"Look, you have to do what I say right?"
"I'm sworn to obey your every command, but I'm also sworn to advise you on the best course of action."
"Well I'm going to get my family back, and with this God powers, I can do it."
"If you insist Lord, then I shall aid you, though I strongly disapprove."