Picking up on a particularly interesting daydream from the other side of the mall, Jen vanished from where she stood and reappeared sitting next to another young woman, making the world oblivious to the two of them as she did.
"Hey, Edith," she said, touching the other's mind to implant the knowledge that she was God, "you okay?"
Edith looked up at the Goddess. "Oh, I'm fine. Better now that you're here, of course. At least," she chuckled, "I hope I'll be better. But if I'm not after this, well, I guess that's what you want."
"I hope you'll like this, too. I know what you were just dreaming about, of course, so how about I make it real?"
"Really? You'll give me--"
"No, no." Jen laughed. "You know my powers are literally infinite. I love using them; why would I do something so small?"
"Oh. That dream," and a small orgasm trembled through her, Jen causing the more obvious evidence to vanish.
"Yeah, that dream. So, shall we begin?"
A shape, roughly human and made out of a flesh-like clay, appeared before the pair.
"So, describe your dream to me," said the all-powerful teen.
"You already know it."
"Yeah, but I want to hear you talk about it. Don't worry, he'll be exactly as you want him--well, maybe with a few of my own improvements."
"Okay, well, he's tall." The model began to grow. "Taller, yeah, about that tall. Seven feet even. And he's got green eyes, and black hair, and cute dimples when he smiles. And a good strong chin, and, um..."
"Oh, don't worry about talking about those sorts of things. Jeez, why do people think that God is a prude about sex? It's not like I don't know the intimate details of everyone doing it. You want him to have a long tongue so he can eat you out better? Okay."
The statue's mouth opened and a tongue dropped well past its chin before reeling itself back in and closing.
"Um, okay," said Edith uneasily. "Well, he should have strong muscles, and look it, you know, really look it, but he should be able to touch really softly and his skin should be smooth. And he should have a good firm butt, and, um..."
"Oh, just say it already! You think about it enough; you think I don't know every little detail?"
"Okay, well, his dick should be big, even when flaccid. Is a foot too much? And half as much again hard."
A phallus extended from the figure's groin, drooping down a fair distance. Edith's hands twitched.
"Sure, touch it. It'll respond."
Edith hesitantly moved toward the model, and reached her hand out to feel the result of her last request. As she stroked, it grew in her hand until it stood proudly erect at the eighteen inches she'd requested.
"Anything else you want on him?"
"Er, no, no. He's fine."
"Okay, well, anything you want for you--other than being able to take that thing, which you can now."
"Um, well..."
Jen sighed and made their clothes vanish. A mirror appeared in front of Edith in which she saw herself rotating around. "I already know what you look like naked, but here's how I'm choosing to look right now. Now I'm giving you the chance to choose what you look like, and I know there are some changes you want, so out with them! Or maybe I should just lower your inhibitions. He'll appreciate it."
Jen rolled her eyes and Edith's demeanor changed in an instant.
"Okay, well, I want nice long blonde hair in two ponytails so he can grab it as he fucks me. I want big lips, you know, dick-sucking lips, and a nice long tongue like he's got that I can wrap around that thing. I want to be shorter, only five feet, and while I want that thing to fit all the way, I want it to feel really, really tight. I want massive boobs so I can give him a great titfuck, and soft, dainty hands for when I give him handjobs. And I want a big ass, and just a little bit of hair on my cunt, not much, not enough to scratch him or me or anything, but I don't want to be totally bald and I don't want it to grow. Oh, and I want my hymen to repair itself every time it can, and I want it to cover the opening completely, and I want to have an orgasm every time it breaks."
The changes appeared as she spoke, and the body in the mirror was almost unrecognizable.
"Now, admit it," said Jen, "there's one more change you want for him."
"Yeah. I want him to have big balls and a massive amount of cum. I want him to be able to shower me in it."
A large scrotum grew in beneath the figure's dick, large testicles plain.
"Now, I told you I'd make a few improvements, so one, both of you have really good stamina. You can fuck for hours and ride orgasm after orgasm--oh, and you're multiply orgasmic, both of you. Two, when he has his dick in you, or is sucking your tits, it'll feel as if he's got his cock in all three holes and is sucking both your tits. If he cums in one of your holes, an equal amount will shoot into the other two as if he were fucking those. Three, you're pretty much always lactating. You won't leak, but a bit of stimulating can release gallons of milk. And four, I know this is in your deepest dreams, you're going to get pregnant. A lot. And your gestation period is accelerated, you can have kids every month--give birth in the morning, get pregnant in the evening. Don't worry about having sex while they're in there, the more of his cum that gets in there the sexier they'll be when they grow up. Oh, and you'll typically have triplets or so. Just one will be really rare for you and two won't be that common. Four and five will be reasonably frequent, though. I'll tell you now that you'll never miscarry or have a stillbirth. They'll all be completely healthy as if you'd carried them individually each for nine months. They will show, though, but I've made your muscles able to handle that. Anyway, don't worry about supporting them; he's a CEO of a company with a few choice patents for things I just created and you live in a huge mansion with a full staff of servants. There's a milking machine in there, really high-powered; use it for a few minutes each day and it'll take a good hundred gallons from you, not to mention a lot of good orgasms, and its capacity is pretty much unlimited, so use it longer if you want."
Edith's mouth had dropped open as Jen described her additions.
"Well, anyway," said the deity, "here's George"--and the statue came fully to life--"and here's some clothes"--a full business suit for George and nothing for Edith, just as she had dreamed--"and now I'm going to send you to your new home with one command: fuck like bunnies."
Edith looked as if she were about to protest when Jen made her vanish. Calling her clothes back from the nothingness to which she'd sent them, she suddenly turned to look straight at something.