“He’s paying lots of attention to the women going in and out of the store,” Jen noted.
“Perv,” said Amanda.
“If he's a perv, then so's every other guy in some way,” Jen pointed out with a shrug. “But I’ve got an idea for how we can have some fun with this one. Come on.” She started walking toward the bench. Amanda was unsure but quickly followed, curious what her now-omnipotent friend was going to do.
As they came up behind the boy on the bench, Jen directed Amanda to his left, and herself went to the right; the two girls plopped down on either side of him.
Having been concentrating on the entrance to Victoria’s Secret, the boy was quite startled by the sudden appearance of two reasonably attractive girls, both looking at him. “Uh...” was all he could get out. His mouth had suddenly gone dry.
“Hi, I’m Jen, and this is Amanda,” said Jen.
He found his voice. “D-do I know you?”
“Nah, we go to Central,” Jen answered, “and I bet you go to Mountain View.”
“Uh, yeah...”
“And you look like a David.”
“H-how did you...”
“Women’s intuition,” Jen replied, with a meaningful glance in Amanda’s direction. “So we couldn’t help notice that you obviously like the ladies, given that you’re sitting here watching Victoria’s Secret very carefully.”
“Oh! Um...” David blushed. “No, it’s just that, um...”
“Relax, don’t worry,” said Jen, and David actually did visibly relax his body. The omnipotent teenage girl continued, “You can speak freely around me, and always tell me the truth.” She shot another meaningful glance toward Amanda.
“Okay,” said David, feeling oddly calm.
“What’s your favorite part of the female body?” Jen asked.
David answered without hesitation...