Rouge the Bat, treasure hunter and a well-known thief on the planet Mobius, had wanted to take a break from her normal lifestyles of stealing and working for G.U.N. So, she decided that she was going to go on a much-needed vacation.
The spot: the desert.
Rouge flew onto the desert wearing a bright pink shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Today, she wanted to be different, and different she was. Within 30 minutes, Rouge had gotten out an umbrella providing shade, a radio for listening to tunes, sunglasses, a folding chair, sun block, and a towel so that she could give herself a natural tan later on
"Ah!" she sighed as she plopped down onto the chair. "This is definitely what I needed!"
But just few minutes after Rouge settled down, she heard a group of cars moving along the sand with several tools in tow.
"Oh, what's going on now?" Rouge said, disgruntled. "All I"m trying to do is have a relaxing vacation, only to be interrupted by noise." She flew up a few feet, and noticed that the caravan was heading towards a pyramid.
Having the curiosity get the best of her, she decided to investigate before saying, "Oh, damn it all!"
Rouge flew by and was not noticed by the team of archaeologists. The pyramid looked nearly hundreds, if not thousands, of years old. "Can't they just leave old buildings in peace?" said Rouge. That's when she saw it.
There was an opening near the top of the pyramid, completely oblivious to the excavators; seeing the opportunity, Rouge decided to go in. It was the perfect size and she got in with no problem.
As she landed with her sneakers on the ground, Rouge saw a beautiful lamp shining right in front of her. Quickly checking her surroundings, Rouge used thieving instincts and grabbed the lamp. "What no traps? Hmph."
She flew out and returned to her nesting grounds as she smiled as she looked at the lamp. "This thing will definitely bring me a couple hundred rings," she said. "Maybe I'll get an extra life out this." (Wink Wink!) Rouge studied the lamp and noticed it was quite dirty. "Might as well clean it up before I sell it."
Rouge used her towel to rub the lamp, when something unexpected happened. The lamp started shaking! Rouge immediately dropped the lamp onto the sand, and backed away. A trail of blue smoke, with a deep booming voice accompanying it.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." said the voice as the smoke turned into a large muscular figure. It had a round, a small goatee, and wore a puffy hat. "Who dares rub my lamp?"
"I-I-I-I did," stuttered Rouge. The figure looked to where Rouge was and said, "A bat? Ha, ha, ha! You amuse me. It seems that you creatures have developed the creative potential of surviving in the sun. But I digress. What is your name?"
"I am called Rouge the Bat, but you can call me Rouge."
"Very well, Mistress Rouge. I am the Genie of the Lamp, and I shall grant you any wish you may desire. No limitations, whatsoever."
Rouge was stunned at this! Rouge did not believe that genies could exist. Then again, Sonic did have an adventure with one... What harm could it do?
"Well," began Rouge, "I could use a glass of water." "To satisfy your thirst in this dreadful heat, you shall get it," replied the genie. And with a snap of his fingers, a glass of water appeared before Rouge. She instantly drowned it very quickly. "That hit the spot!"
"Anything else my mistress?"
Now that she thought about it...