Regardless of the old woman's creepiness, Karmilla certainly necessitated the Troll's tooth for her magic potion and it was better to acquire it from her than the strong, fearsome ogres out in the village. Besides, she was younger and definitely capable to overpower the elder witch in case of combat...right? Erasing any doubts from her mind, Karmilla entered the lovely beldam's accommodation and the sight was definitely not something she would expect; for instance, it was much wider than what it gave impression of from the outside. A big cauldron alongside various ingredients on shelves caught her attention primordially on her left where the Troll teeth were most likely located. The setup was appeasing, being a fellow witch and all, and she wouldn't mind resting here for a few moments. Her eyes scanned the room in search of what she needed.
"I think I have a few of them on that shelf over there," the old crone pointed to the designated furniture in the corner. Karmilla followed her direction and slightly widened her eyebrow; the shelf was displayed at a considerably high height. How did that old conjurer manage to put them there with her small stature - it should be close to impossible.
"It's a bit high..." Karmilla stated with incertitude. Nonetheless, there was no backing out now. Her objective was directly in front of her now and there was no obstacle that would hinder her achievement...or could there? With a tiny exhale, she stretched and brought her arms towards the ledge in order to seize her item. Karmilla was on the tip of her toes as she touched the tooth but didn't completely have it in her reach. Unknowingly, though, she didn't perceive the other occupant approaching her from behind and observing her proliferation. The old witch crouched underneath and positioned herself in front of the juvenile where a large portion of her stomach was visible.
"Wow, what a lovely tummy you have my dear!" the old hag admired from beneath as she stared at the captivating piece of flesh exhibited. With the breadth, Karmilla's corset was raised even further - showcasing more of her milky white skin - and her belly button took the shape of an oval instead of its usual circular form. The view was simply magnificent.
"Um...thanks..." she replied, feeling a bit awkward and embarrassed at that juncture. Karmilla also realized how vulnerable she was but it was a tad too late to grasp that knowledge. If the girl released her hold of the teeth container, it would surely fall and break.
"Your belly button looks so amazing as well. Do you clean it often?"
"I do clean it a lot but it rarely gets dirty." The conversation was getting pretty weird at this point. Why is her helper so engaged with her navel? There was a strange gut feeling that told her to abandon everything and run but she couldn't do that. Her goal was right before her orbs.
"Is that so..." An uneasy silence installed shortly after. Karmilla merely shrugged and extended her scope to the bottle but a tingling sensation stopped her dead in her tracks. The adjacent witch was poking her abdomen consistently!
"Heeehee! Plea-pluhease! Hahaa ahahahahahh stahahhahahap! It tickles eheheheeaho heoehehehe!" she spontaneously burst in adorable giggles that made the tormentor grin in delight. It looked like she found motivation to resume.
"Does it now? Coochie, coochie, coo! Look at your tummy go! Coochie, coochie, coo...I simply can't resist!"
The ancient witch placed a single index at base of her midsection - the center of her hip line. Like a vigilant serpent, she dragged it upwards and avoided her umbilicus for the time being. The maneuver gave chills down the victim but it was not over. As the senior's digit attained her solar plexus, it swooped directly to her waist and offered it a good squeeze. Karmilla's titters evolved into barbarous laughter that echoed through the compartment. Her torso jiggled like jello yet that didn't stop the ravaging fingers from tickling her sides by pinching the elegant curves of its delineation. If that wasn't bad already, the torturer implanted her face on her breadbasket and divulged a loud raspberry.
"Hahahaha ahhahahahahahha! Hohoahaha haahhahahahhaahaha I can't! Hehee ehehe eheheheheheoahoaeah ahahahahahahha!" How unfortunate for Karmilla that the assailant was attracted to that specific spot rather than the rest of her physique - the one most sensitive area of her entire embodiment. "Youuaa ahaahahahahhahahahaha are so cruel! Ohohahahaha ahahahahahah ohahahaahha my gahahahahahhahwd!"
"I'm cruel?!" the decrepit sorceress repeated as if that was the worst insult in her book. "Trust me dear, I can be crueler than this if I really wanted to. But I just want to feel your soft flesh for now, we can have more fun later," she added whilst yanking her mini-skirt down a bit to expose more of her refreshing skin to toy with. "My, my...if you were this ticklish then why would you ever wear like that? You're just asking to be tickled." How true that statement was. Nevertheless, Karmilla was not given time to respond as the opposing witch took out a weapon that made her mouth partially drop at the parade.