"Halt, human!"
Against your better judgement, you comply with the voice and stop dead in your tracks. Twisting your head towards it's source, you eventually spot a woman leaning against an old and broken wall.
"Where, exactly, do you think you're going?" Pushing herself off the stones, her long, red pigtails bounce slightly as she approaches.
Getting a better look at her as she drew nearer, you guessed she was a dragon like the one attacking the port. The scales decorating her hands and tail were a mixture of the darkest black and an extremely dull yellow, quite the contrast to both the other's shining silver. Her hair was a pure red and her blank, slanted pupils were incased within bloody crimson irises. She wore armour a combination of painted red and metallic grey, and a shield, proudly displaying the emblem of the Witch Queen for all her enemies to see, was tightly strapped to her right arm. A very simplistic short sword was sheathed on her back.
Escaping this time, while holding a knight of the Witch Queen's undivided attention, was a snowball's chance in hell. You shifted into a defensive stance and tried to ready yourself for anything as she ceased her advancement a few feet away from you.
"I'm... I'm just leaving..." You hold her gaze as you answer.
"Correction! You were just leaving, but now..." She drew her sword as her lips turned into a cocky smirk "Now, you're going to entertain me!"
You gulped at her words, and stammered desperately for a way to get out of it. "No! No, please, I just got away from one dragon, I don't want t-"
"WYVERN!" She roared at you, face suddenly flaring into anger "I'm a wyvern! Hera's a dragon, I'm a wyvern! THERE'S A DIFFERENCE, YOU IDIOTIC -" Her fists tightened, left hand threatening to snap the handle of her short sword off.
You reeled at her outburst, and took a small step back, pondering if facing the knight at the port would be better. The drag - wyvern girl shut her eyes and took a deep breath for second, before they snapped open and she glared at you.
"You know what? It doesn't matter right know. Draw your weapon and face me."
You barely had time to pull out your wooden sword as the wyvern knight charged.