"...You are immune to the force that Stinkers possess," Andaret told Cyrus. Cyrus wasn't sure if he had heard her right, so he asked, "Wait, immune? That's what it says?" Andaret nodded, confirming what she said. Cyrus stood silently for a few seconds before he continued saying, "But I thought that was impossible - if that's true, how is this the first I've heard of this?"
"According to what this book says," Andaret replied, "Stinker Immunity, as it has been dubbed apparently, is possible, though very rare, at least by way of natural cause - to be born with this inherent immunity is unheard of my common folk, and very rare, but there are treatments and spells that grant the immunity." Cyrus interrupted, saying, "Wait, how does that work? If that were true, everybody would take those treatments." Andaret nodded slightly, before responding, "I was just thinking that too, but here's what the rest of the passage says: 'While there are various ways to combat and prevent the force that Stinkers project by way of their flatulence, these methods are only temporary, and come with their own unintended effects.' So, it's possible people do use them, they just have something else occur to them, and it doesn't even last forever." Cyrus crossed his arms and thought to himself, So, how does that explain me? I do not remember having done any treatment - if I did, I'd also be having one of those effects.
"Here's what it says about being born with that immunity," Andaret continued. "It says here: 'Being born with the immunity to the Stinker force is rare, exceptionally so. There is speculation as to how this is possible, but there are three common theories among scholars - 1) The person in question is an offspring of a human and a Stinker, thus making said offspring Half-Stinker. 2) The person in question is not entirely human. The effects of the Stinkers' internal flatulent force seems to only truly effect humans, and not any other races, such as Dwarf, Elf, Orc, and so on. 3) The person in question has a special blood type that separates them from other humans - the most telling sign of this blood type is that the color of their blood is NOT crimson red, but instead another color altogether.' ...Huh. I never actually got this far into this book before. All that was interesting to read - did any of it catch your attention, Cyrus?"
Andaret looked over to Cyrus, and saw that he had this look on his face that gave the impression that he recognized something, or that what he heard gave him a sense of deja vu. Cyrus just stood there, lost in his thoughts, before Andaret said, "Cyrus? Are you alright?" Cyrus snapped out of his gaze, and replied, "Oh. Oh, yeah, sorry... I just... what you read there matches me entirely - well, one of them does." Andaret's eyes widened. "Oh really? That's good, we have our answer then!" she exclaimed happily. "Which one was it?"