For as much pressure as there was building up in Cyrus' stomach and butt, his first fart as a Stinker was... underwhelming. All Cyrus was able to muster was a single, short, barely audible toot.
After that, all Cyrus did was stand still or a few seconds. Andaret chimed in, saying, "That's it? Is that all you got?" Cyrus replied plainly, "Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I'm starting to think maybe your little spell didn't work - I just got a little gas like everybody else does sometimes." Andaret scratched her head, confused at what had just transpired in front of her. "Well, that can't be right," Andaret replied. "That's not how this works for Stinkers whatsoever. There's gotta be something we're missing here." Cyrus tooted again.
Once again, Cyrus wasn't very gassy at all - if he was a Stinker, he wasn't a very strong one. I guess all that pressure was just cramps, he thought. Just as he had finished his thought, Andaret spoke up. "Well, hold on - there may be an explanation after all. Let me grab my book." Andaret got up from her bed and moved to the bookshelves over by her window. After a minute of looking for the exact book she had in mind, she pulled it out and opened it up, quickly shifting through the pages.
"What kinda book is that?" Cyrus questioned. Andaret answered back, "This is a book all about Stinkers - their culture, their history, and so on." Cyrus raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "There's such a thing as Stinker culture?" he asked in disbelief. Andaret nodded her head, affirming, "It's true! I didn't even know about myself until I read this book - stuff's really underground like that for Stinkers, as it would seem." She stopped shifting through the book just at that moment, and put her finger to the page. "A-ha! Here it is," she proclaimed.
"According to this book, the reason that you are not effected by my flatulence is very likely because you are--"