"Sure, I drink heavy though.." She'd reply, looking back at the other display shelves. Drinking heavy is no problem, I have alot in stock, & a Gold Leui' Lor wine bottle in mind. I also have a plan in motion now, being the 'pervert' I know I am. So stepping to the pantry next to the food-machine I would open it & flip from the perishables to the wine with a simple flip of a switch. Grabbing the Leui' Lor & setting it on the counter, I ask- "Would you like anything in it? The wine is Gold Leui Lor." Samus would turn around & walk toward me, I found her hip sway quite alluring.
"Honey would be nice, I haven't had both of these in years~" She sounded quite appreciative, so I would pop the cedar off the bottle & pour the wine into a large bordeaux glass. Pouring nearly a quarter of the bottle into hers, it passed half-a-quarter of the glasses capacity.
"That's alot." She'd comment, this wine was just thirty percent, so it was very strong. I would pour just a quarter of my glass, then close the bottle & set it next to the machine. "Well you said you drink heavy, even with wine." Samus brought one hand halfway up to her chin, giving out a small, entertained scoff. "Fine, should do well, considering my tolerance~" I'd carefully put her glass under the food-machine & tap on the interface for sweeteners, she watched closely, Im able to smell her rose-like fragrance.. Then scrolling down past sugar, coconut juice & the such, I tapped on just a quarter Oz. of pure 'honey.
Little to her knowledge, I assume, I'd actually cleverly managed to inject a certain chemical into the honey. Well, actually, the chemical goes into the liquid the first use of the machine for a day, it's clever. Though im a degenerate for planning this against the galaxies best hero, this 'honey' has a chemical to overproduce melatonin & drain a day's energy gradually, it's supposed to last atleast five hours. With her bodies processing, that is.
The honey would thicken her wine some & a small slow-spinning spoon lowered down from the machine, mixing it in it all. After ten seconds it was done & I would set her glass on the counter, putting mine under it next & just adding some sugar, boy do I love sugar.. The spoon mixed it in mine.
Afterward I would grab my glass, watching her hold hers & shake the liquid around slightly. "It's been long since I've enjoyed a good drink, thanks for such hospitality." She'd sip her wine, I'd already taken a sip from mine. "You already know it's my pleasure, Miss Aran~" She laughed slightly then took another sip, afterward leaning on the counter. I am glad I can control my infatuation, her thick frame is just becoming more alluring the longer she stays.. "Yeah, yeah, I know, who wouldn't be pleased when im around?" Samus laughed again, starting to enjoy herself more.. "Only someone who resents you, like those old Space Pirates." I'd say, they were always a bother to people. Her smile was constant, her joyful mood was the same- "Well that didn't end well for them, damn rambos.. See you keep up on my achievements, hm?" Her tone was a bit conceited, I think.
"Alot of what you did made headlines around Earth, so it's hard not to." Samus has already drunk a quarter of what she has, only six minutes after she got her glass. "-Well, should we leave the kitchen? There isn't much else in here." I inquired, seeing her nod. I'd take a good drink of mine as we left that room, leading her downstairs toward the loumge room, we'd be stepping down into the depression-like space, the room decently lit by the windows near the ceiling.
"Even if money is wasted here, the aesthetic makes up for it." She was admiring the room, with it's black carpet, grey walls & lounge sofa, among other things. "Thanks- working for Glodobin Electronic really gives me alot of disposable income."
She'd lower herself carefully onto a lazy chair & sip her glass, speaking afterward- "No-wonder your rich~ corporate loves handing money out to PR men~" She laughed some, I figure the wine is getting to her first, judging by the slightly slurred speech. Im only a bit tipsy, this stuff is strong.
I was a tad bit embarrassed, im not PR, but logistics, which can basically be PR when public inspectors come in. "Close, im actually logistics, bascially is PR, though." She would blink slightly lazily, relaxing in the chair. "Well, close enough. What're we doing down here, now?" She asked somewhat seriously but with a bored tone, I would walk over to me' plasma TV wall & tap the left side- a interface appearing with options for either any movie imaginable, a holographic game, or cable show appearing.
"Want to watch something almost real, like the Battle of Holland recreation?" I asked, seeing she was more than halfway done with her wine.. It's only been fifteen minutes since I poured it, sheesh. "Eh-h-" Assuming the chemical is kicking in by her shoulder-shrug, short yawn & already careless answer, I'd select that movie from the roster. I'd sit on the lazy chair parallel from her, the movie opening with a panoramic shot of Liden..
About twenty minutes into the movie i saw she was under a quarter of her wine, leaning back in the chair & blinking even slower, looking tired. "...Eesh.. It's been a while since I've relaxed this much.." Wow. Im slightly surprised that she's oblivious to the drug. "Thank good-old Leui' Lor, a fine aged wine." I joked, seeing her yawn longer after she gulped the rest down. I've already been done with mine. "... It's definently good, though-" she'd yawn, again, shaking her ass into the seat.
"-I forgot how, tiring.. Being drunk on wine.. Is.." Samus would smile lazily at me, setting her glass on the coffee table before lazily plopping back in the seat. "..Ooah- Im woozy, just.." I could see her having trouble keeping her eyes open, barely watching the film. "-Wait..ake.. me.. Hm.." Samus closed her eyes completely, leaning back in the seat & her head leaning off on the chairs cushioned side.
Heh.. It worked, she's passed out. I sit here for five minutes, seeing her breathe rhythmically & just looking at her body.. damn she's hot.
I'd stand up & walk slowly toward her- "Samus? Aran?" I asked somewhat loudly, just seeing her lay there, sleeping & expressionless. Then I opened her eyelid with my finger, she didn't react, her eye lazily looking upward.. Perfect. The chemical worked well, now I am free to fulfill my desires.
I could just get straight into it, shoving my dick into her & ripping her suit to get to it.. Or just go slow, enjoy her, but I have alot of time anyways~