The Section Commander was a male human, one who carried a sword based on a Japanese katana, and a pistol based on a Browning 1911. Lucas gave him a quick salute. The Section Commander smiled at this. "At least you know how to show respect to your superiors," he said.
"Sir, my father was a professional soldier," Lucas said quickly. "He taught me that I was to respect those above me in rank, sir!"
"At ease private," the Section Commander said with a smile. "It's good that you and the other Weekly Guards show respect, but you don't need to be so formal about it all the time."
"But sir, I don't want to be disrespectful," Lucas said as he lowered his hand.
The Section Commander chuckled. "Is this your first time reporting to Duty?"
"Yes sir," said Lucas. "However, my father taught me how to use and maintain my weapons sir."
"Call me S.C. Stevens," the Section Commander said said with a chuckle. "Of course, if you survive your first battle under my command, or alongside of me, you can feel free to call me Stephanie, to my face."
"It's an old nickname," S.C. Stevens said, as he stroked his shoulders, as if taming some hair that wasn't there. "I used to have long hair before I joined the Professional Core. However, when I was still a Weekly Guard, one of my COs used to call me Stephanie on account of how long it was. During one battle with some bandits though, I saved his ass from a guy trying to take his head. He said, 'Guess I can't call you Stephanie anymore.' I told him he could. Since then, I've been called that by those who know me."
"So, one battle and I can call you that?" Lucas asked.
"Yes," S.C. Stevens said with a smile. Then his face hardened. "But you haven't earned the right to call me that. Now..."