Despite her many years' worth of travels full of countless memorable locations, Lilycove still remained a personal favorite of May's. The contest hall, the department store, the museum, the Pokemon Trainer Fan Club, the harbor from which she embarked on her fair share of voyages... Yes, it was a fantastic place with a lot to do, yet she never thought of it as just another stuffy metropolis. Perhaps it was the smell of the sea air, or the friendly locals, or a bit of both. Regardless, May loved the city all the same, and found herself visiting it frequently.
Today was one of those visits. May stretched and breathed in the salty air as she passed the threshold between Route 121 and Lilycove. A few familiar faces waved hello to her. Given her frequent visits and the fact she hadn't updated her wardrobe since she started her wandering, it was only natural she got acquainted with at least a few of the local residents. She waved back, shooting a quick breeze with them as she passed by. How she was doing (just fine, thanks), where she'd been (lots of places, too many to list), and what she was doing here (just relaxing here for a bit) were all skimmed over before they continued about their days.
It seemed today was a slow one for Lilycove, and that was perfectly fine for May. She had no real plans beyond watching the coastline from the lighthouse.
"Guess today's not the best for tourism," she mused to herself, noting the lack of people walking the streets. "Well, Mondays are pretty slow anyway."
Her strolling soon brought her within sight of the lighthouse. Nobody seemed to be there, from what she could see. However, upon arriving, she noticed there was something laying at its base.
It was an unassuming bag. May inspected it for any evidence as to whose it might be, but there was no name on it or anything. She gave the bag a few shakes and heard a bunch of crinkling inside it. Looking around to make sure she was still alone, the young woman unwrapped the knot keeping it closed and gasped.
"Wow, so many Rare Candies!" she exclaimed. In a flash of self-consciousness, she looked around again. Still alone. "Who'd leave all these behind, even if it's just by accident? What would they even need them for anyway? I can't imagine anybody's Pokemon needing this many, even for a whole team."
It was at that moment when a stray thought crossed her mind. Everyone always assumed a Rare Candy would always be given to a Pokemon. Sure, they were meant for them, but what about humans? Surely someone must have gotten curious and eaten one for themself. But then why didn't May ever hear about anybody doing just that? Did that mean they were safe to eat?
"One way to find out..." She pulled out one of the candies and unwrapped it. "Whoever's this is, I'm sure they won't notice one missing candy."
She popped it in her mouth, chewed for a few seconds, and swallowed.
"Hey, this is pretty good."
The thought just barely left her mouth when a tingling sensation rose up in her stomach and quickly enveloped her body.