This choice: Confused, looking around • Go Back...Chapter #7Between a Rock and Two Soft Boulders by: We Smile  Finally! A live test!
Pei thought, giddy to see her latest rig raised into position. How could she help it, when she had been itching to see the piece at work? Now she could really greet her visiting tinies with style! A cool design, a swift lift, and a dashing flight; her newest piece had it all to ensure her pint-sized guests had a blast from the very moment they arrived at her doorstep! Best of all, they would delivered right to her hand, so they could skip all that boring 'picking them up' nonsense and get to tagging along right away.
"Whew, alright little guy, I hope that you liked the ride!"
She chirped out, riding her good mood on yet another triumph to her name. Hardly could she wait to see her visitor's face and ask them all about how thrilling, amazing, utterly pants-flaying gripping it was to try out her Welcome Mat 3000; Pei brought her hand to her face and funneled her eyes right at her palm, expecting to find her friend rolling in excitement.
"Now, how about we-"
Only to fix her sight upon her vacant palm, empty in its entirety, holding a grand total of zero guests in its warm, leathery grasp.
It didn't take more than that for Pei to realize that her welcome plan had derailed. Sure, the plinth that she installed for visiting micros had raised to the height that she had engineered, not one notch taller nor lower, but it was obvious to see right away that the launch pad still had some adjustments to make. At least she knew that the trigger worked just fine, as she spotted the platform already tilted to its top slope, but as shown by her vacant palm held next to her face, she had some tweaks left to make on the throw.
"Oh, fiddlesticks."
Her ears dropped in embarrassment, lowering her hand upon realizing the miscalculation as her sight then turned to combing her immediate surroundings. How could it be? She ran all the setups, crunched all the numbers a dozen times; even the prototype had landed the sample peanuts square in the middle of her palm almost every time! Sure, she had may lost some the first few times, but even after running a few more mock-ups this morning, the results were almost all bullseyes!
Well, no matter, she could put calibrations on the side, as right now she had a wayward tiny neighbor to find.
Thankfully, she had the foresight to leave few to none hard surfaces in the vicinity; so that in the unlikely event that her little house experiment may have skewed its trajectory, any other spot that fashioned a prompt landing pad would at least make for a soft touchdown: Past the tiled floor of her front walkway yielded to a rather cozy welcome mat right next to the plinth, and her lobby was draped with a creamy carpet that matched neatly to her fur. Plus, the front door was flanked with a hanging pot on either side, so that the broad, leafy vines growing on each would patch the doorframe's height and part of the nearby wall in the unlikely case that the launch angle didn't agree with her math.
So, even in the remote event that her tiny guests would miss their mark - like right now, apparently - they would still have a cushioned landing to catch them. Sure, they might get shaken a little rougher than planned, but they wouldn't be any worse for the wear otherwise.
That is, assuming that she could actually pinpoint them after the fact; yet as her friend failed to turn up right away, it seems like a locator for loose launches would be next to tackle on the list of the platform’s failsafe features.
Her backup sleuthing resource was, of course, resorting to a call. Hoping for a swift resolution, the crafty macro-canid blonde tucked her hand into her shirt and trawled out her phone from between her hefty globes, all in one swift sleigh. Good thing that her shirt featured such a convenient sleeve to keep her device safe and snug, a tight holster from which it couldn’t slip out so easily. A bit of screen-surfing later and the speaker began ringing a dial, leaving her tapping her foot like a busted pedal until her guest answered back.
While Pei muses on your whereabouts, it doesn't cross her mind that you could've touched down way closer than she realizes. Like if you were, say, perched atop the creamy hill of her breast, clinging to her fur for dear life in a Sisyphean quest to remain nested in the 'safety' of her immense bosom; having landed so close to the bottomless trench otherwise known as Pei's cleavage where all you can do is hold onto a few clumps of the vanilla-colored grass that meadows the she-dog's fluffy peaks, lest you slip off to be engulfed by the valley of her bust.
From the slope of Pei's breast, you can only watch as the colossal canine steers her gaze from side to side with a look split evenly between deflation and mild concern weighting on her face, yet she doesn’t bother to look closely down her shirt, much to your dismay. It doesn't help that even the slightest move from her part, from a gentle sway nudging you to the side to her breathing that see-saws the ‘ground’ underneath, threatens to roll you off from your landing and towards the gap.
Despite the herculean effort however, your grip's strength mattered little when faced against that of a titan. In your case, it was Pei's hand descending upon her canyon of cleavage, parting her two tender mounds aside from each other, then plucking a dark gleaming monolith from the bottom of the trench, all in one fell swoop; well before you could even process past the moment where her hand loomed above your head.
Needless to say, you were caught up in the impact zone, although thankfully spared from being squashed by her meteoric palm, being missed by a stone toss as she dug wrist-deep in her cleavage. Nonetheless, the newly-stretched gap left by Pei's reaching put you in a delicate spot between her not-so-delicates, as you still found yourself clinging to a much steeper incline, lower in the valley of her shirt. Despite tempering your grip in the face of a rough climb, you could soon feel the thin silky strand slip from your grasp, yet it lasted enough to watch as Pei’s fingers clasp around the lengthy monolith buried in her chest and then hoist back out, about the same time that the slick robe weaved from her fur leaves your hands. You only have a second to watch in awe as the hand of the giantess cranes the massive block towards her face, before you tumble down helplessly down the slope of her breast and into the crevice.
Before you could even yell out of dizzy stupor, Pei's hand left her shirt and her breasts slumped back against each other with a whooshing FWOOMP, sandwiching you tight in between two supple mounds of canine tit-fat. Although the pair of jiggly boulders slammed on each other, you were saved from being utterly pancaked by some object that shortened your fall. It was hard, round, and smelled oddly like... peanuts? Whatever it was, its presence in Pei's chest carved an alcove of sorts between her gargantuan gazongas, a small pocket in the crack in which you fit neatly into. However, although it saved you from an immediate squashing, it barely fostered any room at all to serve as a shelter; leaving you unscathed, yet still very trapped, beneath the heaving tons of Pei's juggle-nauts that pinned down your back.
Only seconds after becoming entombed in Pei's cleavage trench, you feel your pocket rustle to life, followed by an all-too-familiar tune that you can barely hear from being muffled behind a layer of chest dough and fur. It's a shame then, that you cannot splay your arm wide enough to scratch your nose, let alone to reach for your pocket; all you can do is whimper helplessly as your phone buzzes on and on. As if fate couldn’t taunt you anymore, you're subjected to any and all forces exerted on the giga good-girl's upper body, no matter how minute, as even the slightest tilt from just looking around shifts her weight back and forth, bristling her velvety coat on your skin while her humongous mounds rub together along with your whole back.
If nothing else, at least your prison boasted some degree of comfort, seeing as your friendly next-door visit apparently became an extended stay in Pei's bust suite.
Something's not right...
Although Pei's concern had already stewed in a little by now, she remained unbothered, retaining a chill, collected manner throughout the whole incident. Nonetheless, after her visitor failed to answer back the second call, she realized it was up to her to hound after his tracks after all.
Okay, no worries. Sigh. He had to land somewhere nearby after all.
"Hey, little one, where are you?"
She asked as she sailed a twice-over around the yard, mostly to herself rather than to get an answer proper, since she realized that her guest would have to be right under her nose for her to pick up his voice, let alone actually making out his words. Hints of impatience colored her tone, she had hoped that her guest would turn up soon enough; how else was she supposed to gather feedback on her improved welcome mat so as to iron out its apparent fault? If they got to it right away, there might be still time to tweak its kinks and run another test to ensure it was tuned to perfection this time for good!
Her eyes paced back and forth, darting between the floor, the rug, plants, carpet, just about anywhere in her home’s entryway where she might find some trace of her mite of a friend. She had plenty of ground to cover, considering it was just a tiny patch of her front door; guess that’s what happens when you’re that small and every inch becomes a mile, oh well, better start looking before anything else happens.
Not willing to waste any more time, Pei was about to begin her sweep, when…  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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