Path to this Chapter:
  1. Party Time!
  2. The Costume Party
  3. Bad Breakfast
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1897471-Monster-Arms/cid/2054849-Party-Time
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1897471
Can you survive the only human in a building full of giant monsters? Fantasy monsters only
This choice: A Mummy (Someone's Feeling Passive Aggressive)  •  Go Back...
Chapter #5

Party Time!

    by: Unknown
You snickered when you saw Cadence's costume. She was covered head to toe in bandages. Looks like she was going as Nefernina this year.

"Nice costume, Cadence." You say.

Cadence raises an eyebrow as she looks at your costume. She shrugs and picks you up. Placing you on her shoulder. She then started for Nefernina's apartment, where the party was being held.
The two of you enter the apartment. You let out a whistle. It was really decorated. Jack-o-lanterns, cardboard skeletons, and paper-mache bats were everywhere.

You looked around and saw some of the other tenants in their costumes. Petra was wearing a cyan ballgown and a small tiara. She was even wearing make-up. Aiba's costume was a witches hat, a long black skirt, a broom in her hand, and a fishnet top. To keep herself somewhat modest, you saw Aiba was wearing skull pasties. You saw Giselle, who was dressed as Batgirl, and Mavis, who was wearing Celtic armor and holding a fake head, so she must have dressed up as a Dullahan.

"Those are some good costumes." You say to Cadence, who nods in agreement. You then see Nefernina talking to Lupa. Lupa was dressed as a chef, and Nefernina, to your surprise, was dressed as the 5th Doctor. Guess strange minds think alike, you think to yourself.

Cadence walks over to the candy bowl and set you down. She then goes to talk to Petra. You turn and see that Nefernina had actually put out human candy. Either she decided to be nice for once, or she was expecting human guests. Either way, you pick up a chocolate bar and start to unwrap it when you see a shadow fall over you. You look and see...

You have the following choices:

1. Nefernina

2. Someone else

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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