"My turn, I draw."
"I turn yellow gen angel to defense, and activate Red gen angel's ability you take 300 points of damage plus 300 more for each gem angel. That totals 1500.
"I activate, fire eater dragon's ability."
*Fire eater dragon is a lv. 3 fire attributed dragon monster with 900 attack and defense points."
"It has three abilities:
1) When in my hand, is I would take effect damage, by banishing it, you take it instead.
2) When on my field, when I take effect damage, it gains it as attack points in stead.
3) When in my graveyard, if I would take effect damage, I can banish it and gain it a life point.
I activate it's three effect."
Stardust (3000-4500).
"I set a card and end my turn."
"My turn, I draw. I set a card.
Genesis dragon attack red gem angel. and Single dragon, attack black gem angel."
"I end my turn."
"My turn, I draw." Julie said.
"I activate the ability of my gem damage refraction, because it has 5 card on top of it in the grave yard, I can add it to my hand." She said adding the card her hand.
"Finally, you activate the ability of your deck. When they have five cards on top of them in the grave, for a spell or trap you can add it to you hand, for a monster special summon it with 500 more attack points."
"I set two cards and end my turn."
"My turn, I active dragon hoards. I can draw a card for every dragon on my field, I have three, so I draw three cards."
"I activate D.D.R - different dimension reincarnation, by discarding a card, I can special summon a removed from play monster, I bring back, the fire eater dragon."
"I also special summon clinger dragon. I then tribute clinger dragon and fire-eater dragon, to summon soul eater dragon."
"I then activate dragon triple blast. I can only activate this while I control 3 dragon. I then inflict 200 points of damage to you times their level.
Level three single dragon, level 8 soul capture dragon and level 6 genesis dragon, total level, 17 times 200 equals 3400."
"I active gem damage refraction, so you take half the damage."
"I activate my Soul dragons ability, I gained fire eater dragon's ability, so he gains attack equal to the damage I would take."
Soul capture dragon attack (2800-4500)
"I active my face down, dragon rage. Each of my monster can inflict piercing damage."
"Now, Single dragon, attack white gem angel."
"I active trap of darkness, so it's effect is gem solidity. So my White gem angel can't be destroyed in battle, and battle damage is halved."
Single dragon attack the gem again.
Julie 2200-300.
"Soul capture dragon finish this."
And he did.