Simon entered the principal's office and drank it in. It reminded him of a dark and dank dungeon. Despite the windows being wide open, it was like no light could find it's way in. "Or wants too," Simon whispered feeling uneasy.
"May I help you?" A gnarled old woman asked Simon, a woman he could have sworn wasn't there a second ago.
"Yeah, my name is Simon-"
"I know who you are!" she cut him off making him jump. "Principal Darrow warned, I mean, told me to expect you."
"Okay..." Simon said backing away nervously.
"Here! This is your schedule. Follow it and do not deviate from it, do you understand?"
"Yeah, I guess," Simon said taking the paper from the old woman's trembling outstretched hand.
"Your locker is number 666 on the third floor," she snarled, a little spittle landing at Simon's feet.
"Locker 666? Really?"
"Is something funny, young man. Does something make you laugh? Would you like to talk to Principal Darrow about it?"
"No," Simon said waving his hands in front of himself. "No I'm fine. Locker 666 it is." The old woman grumbled something that Simon couldn't hear. Simon turned to leave, but quickly remembered something. When he turned around the old woman was gone. He slowly backed out of the office, to find his locker.
The door to the principal's office opened just slightly, and in the gloom one could almost be forgiven if they saw a light smoke come forth from the lightless room. "Was that him?" a deep otherworldly voice reverberated through out the office.
"Yes," The old woman's voice could be heard but her presence remained unseen.
"He will be trouble. I feel it in my bones. He must not be allowed to ally with Grimm."
"Your wisdom is truly great, master."
"Stop your sycophantic comments and see that it is done!" the voice yelled, before the door slowly close with the sound of a deep vault door slamming shut, metal on metal echoing through out the office.
Simon found his locker and opened it. A lock was waiting inside with a combination for him. "Really the combination is 6-6-6?" Simon said to himself. He put his books in his locker and looked a little to the left and saw the girl from earlier, Desdemona . "Oh hey," Simon waved. "How's it going?"
She looked at him shyly, afraid to meet his gaze. "Good, I guess. And you?" she asked twirling her hair.
"Good, the principal's office is kind of weird. Who's that old lady?"
"You saw an old woman?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Was she gnarled?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Was she..."
"Desdemona," Simon said cutting her off, "Why?"
"She was old when Ms. Grimm was young. Some say she immortal, but destined to age, others say she's a ghost, and some say she's an extension of the Principal Darrow."
"You mean Principal Darrow. Not THE Principal Darrow," Simon smirked.
"No, I don't," Desdemona replied darting her eyes.
"What do you mean by that?" Simon asked confused, but before an answer was given they were interrupted by some one.