"I'm tired of being an only-child, dad, I want you to make me some little brothers with mom!" Nick said, turning to his father.
"Well now Nick, I understand that you're all-powerful but-" suddenly Nick's father froze up as the order truly hit him, and he smiled brightly, "Yes Lord Nick! It will be done! I promise I'll make you as many brothers as you want!"
"Hmm...let's start with 3 for now." Nick replied
"Yes my Lord!"
To which Nick's father headed to the bedroom, soon Nick's mother appeared and also followed up to the room. To which the pair began absolutely going at it, having more passion in their lovemaking than they'd had in years, now that they'd been given a new purpose by God to make Him some little brothers. Not only was the sex incredible, but each orgasm took instantly as soon as Nick's father came, and a new boy began rapidly growing inside of Nick's mother's womb. She didn't have to fuss about the birthing process, as the moment they were fully formed each new son appeared in the arms of their mother, rapidly growing into a full on boy in minutes.
The process repeated itself until three new brothers, named Michael, Caleb, and Derek, who looked about 7-9 years old each, stood in the room, then got teleported down to where Nick was.
"Hey! You're my little brothers! I'm your big brother, named Nick" he said cheerfully, holding his hand out and snapping my fingers, "And using my powers as God, I've just given the three of you all the same powers I do, but not as grand, they're limited, finite in what they can do. Which really just means that I can undo anything you three try to do if I don't like it."
"So why give us these powers then?" asked Michael, the oldest looking of the three of them.
"Good question!"
Nick then explained that they were to use their powers to help spread worship of the one, true God, himself, to the world. They could do that in any way possible, with a few small rules:
1. They couldn't use their powers on themselves or each other beyond a few limited things, such as teleporting themselves around. Mostly this was so that they didn't just selfishly change themselves and no one else.
2. They could change anyone else in any way to any limit, so long as the end result was that people began worshiping Nick.
3. They weren't allowed to create life out of nothing or to kill anyone.
4. Whatever they did had to be something that people willingly wanted to happen to them.
5. They couldn't sabotage what the other brothers were doing or whatever Nick was doing.
"Other than that, go nuts!" To which Nick then teleported the three of them out to random places in the city, to start bringing people to his worship.