Jack was ready, he was not “Jack the guy who wanted to make it into that party” anymore; he was now, “Jack the dummy who had made it into the party”. A small step for Jack, one giant leap for the perverted kind. He could only imagine the sights he would get to witness… girls in short tight dresses showing their bounty. Jiggling for Jack to make best of for the rest of the evening. Maybe they will take him inside and have some fun with him. That was the plan after all. Why else would he have just thrown himself right in front of the doorstep? If Angie was going to open the door to her house, she would have to pick Jack up and place him somewhere else… probably inside the house… All these thoughts were making Jack feel ticklish all over.
“What the…” Angie said as she exited her car. She approached Jack… the dummy and began scratching her head. “Why did he leave one just at the doorstep?” Jack, on the other hand, could see clearly through the mesh that covered the eyes of the mask. He saw Angie bent over him as he could clearly see her long thick thighs that seemed absolutely ravishing.
“Why did jack left you here? What was on his mind….” Angie tried to ponder. Then she decided to lift him up, taking the load of Jack’s entire body on her chest. Jack had his face buried in her boobs, although he wished there wasn’t a thick plastic bag in the middle of it, he was still feeling like the biggest horny genius on the planet. Nothing was going to come between him and girls dressed in all kinds of different sexy costumes.
“It’s… so… heavy…” Angie couldn’t lift Jack us, so she just let go of him, and the sudden contact Jack’s head made with the hard ground snapped him back to reality. He just wanted to hold his head in his arms and cuss at Angie, but he couldn’t, he was not Jack anymore, he was a dummy, and for the greater reward, he had to play this part just right. So despite all the pain and stinging, in his head, Jack laid loose like a dummy.
“I guess you can stay here… the girls would just have to climb over you. Maybe Jack really had something in his mind…” Angie said as she stepped on top of Jack’s stomach. The pressure on his belly caused him to release some air from his lungs, making a whistle kile sound that startled Angie.
“Oh my…” she suddenly jumped off. Then she stepped on Jack’s belly again, this time, harder than before. Of course, Jack couldn’t hold in the remaining air he had in his lungs, seeing he had to stay as still as he could, he was even cautious to breathe as gently as he could, without raising his chest or making any motion. But the pressure made him make that whistle-like sound once again.
“Jack you absolute genius!” professor Angie jumped with excitement, “I can’t wait to scare all the girls when they step on this dummy. Everyone will have to step on it to enter and with the lights to the door turned off, they won’t see it. The whistle will do the rest…. Yes, yes yes!!!”
Angie jumped up and down with excitement. Then she unlocked the door, and to Jack’s dismay, it opened to the inside. He wasn’t going to be moved inside the house like he had planned. But there was still hope…
Laying on the hard floor outside the house was doing a number on Jack’s back. Add a weird posture to it and the pain was doubled. His ingenious plan was starting to seem like a bad idea, and a few times, Jack even decided to bail. But the only thing that kept him going was a belief that when all the girls came, maybe they will all pick him up and take him inside… and Angie’s plump juicy butt… he prayed he would get to see it in a short and tight costume.
The sun started to set and hope started to rise in Jack’s heart. It was about time girls started showing up. Jack embraced himself, for he was about ready to be taken indoors. “The girls will surely carry me inside,” he thought in his head. Any minute now…