You start to run as Zoes body begins to shift, afraid of being crushed, but aren't fast enough as you're slammed down into the ground with a fleshy smack, knocking you into the bed sheet, a strange moan coming from your girlfriend that's giant sound sends your hands to your ears. You struggle to get out from underneath, grabbing tiny handfuls of the sheets and dragging yourself from beneath your girlfriends smooth, pale flesh.
Finally free, you look back at your girlfriends enormous thighs before heading for safety, but find yourself stunned as you stare at what had actually caught you. Instead of the smooth, hairless thigh that you'd seen coming for you, you find your freedom was hard won from a mammoth, pale limb, every bit as smooth and hairless as her legs that stretches between the sheets towards the edge of the bed. You look at it confused, standing at your full height and still not able to quite see over the thing as it lays nearby. The sheets raised by it make an easy path to escape, but temptation lays nearby. You put a hand on the strange tube of flesh and begin to follow it back towards your girlfriends thighs, the morning light only just making it through the sheets and letting you see.
The sheet-tunnel widens out before long, and you find yourself in a cavern made by Zoes hips, huge in comparison to the oppressive closeness the tunnel you had been following had, though you are forced to gawk and gape as you realize you hadn't been following an arm through the sheets, the thing rather leading unceremoniously towards the gap between your girlfriends legs where it rooted, it's length gently rising from the bed as it lay heavily over her milky white thigh, forcing you to look up towards the top of the cavern you are in. You can only just see the top of her hips from your position, and the strange thing is obscuring your desired view.
You move closer, entering the space under the fleshy support beam, hand still tracing it's path for as long as you can reach, still heading for your girlfriends thigh, when you find your path blocked by what your mind immediately identifies as boulders. Taller then you by at least half your height, the dim light casts wrinkly crags and grey tones at you as you stair at the strange twin stones before noticing their attachment to something resembling a cliff face headed directly towards the gap between Zoes thighs. You grab hold without a second thought, and immediately wish you hadn't, as a sudden groan escapes your girlfriend, forcing you to cover your ears as the sheets begin to shift around you.
A hand comes from nowhere and knocks you from your feet, reaching past and scratching at the stones for a few seconds before a second, more content, blast of sound emanates from Zoe, the hand retreating quickly after, leaving you staring at the strange boulders. They hadn't felt solid when you'd grabbed hold, the cliff face pulling a dragging like a rope ladder instead of stone. What are they? You think to yourself as you stand up, and as you adjust yourself after being accosted, sudden realization dawns.
They weren't boulders, they were balls. And the tube you'd been following was a... it was unimaginable. You'd followed it for a good twenty footsteps through the sheets, and even now, standing nearly next to Zoes thighs, the end of it wasn't in sight. Suddenly you're scrabbling at your girlfriends thigh, avoiding the seemingly easier decent, desperate to make sure your girl friend is, in fact, a girl. Your desperate pawing shows some results, and you manage to drag yourself into a small crevice between her legs, your arms and legs splayed to cover as much space as possible to keep from falling.
You inch up her thigh, desperately looking towards your girlfriends groin, hoping to see some sort of female equipment when Zoe starts to quiver in her sleep, a blast of sound suddenly induced. "Aaaaah Zack, a little higher..." You feel her moan more than hear, and suddenly the hand returns, swooping over you and narrowly missing as you hold onto your girlfriends thigh for dear life. When you look up again, you find it standing between you and your goal, its finger alternating between rubbing circles and trailing up and down, waves rippling through the thighs you find yourself wedged between with every motion. You smile, hopeful of the implications, but find yourself staring at the fleshy tube that fell over Zoes hand and thigh. Is it... bigger? You can't help but wonder as you look, strange shadows you hadn't seen before dancing over its surface.