The red and blue hued demons quickly searched for the heroic pair. They checked all the sights of the monsters Hercules had slain, before looking in the spots where Hades planned to unleash more trouble from the depths of hell. Finding no success the duo had no choice but to scale Mount Olympus and pray their evil presence didn’t incur the wrath of the gods.
After several hours of climbing, they final ascended into the realm of the heavens and left the common mortals and earth behind. Taking a moment to recover their breath, the two minions looked around in curiosity at a city they’d never glimpsed before.
Pockets of clouds laid in whisps on the lowest levels of the marbled floor. Obscuring the ground and providing an ethereal cushion for one to step on. Ornate and lifted pedestals, gardens, pathways, balconies, and other architecture dotted strategic points around the mountain’s plateau. There didn’t seem to be any activity taking place in the immediate area, but green flashes, boisterous noise, and pulsing music testified that the place wasn’t as abandoned as it seemed.
Hesitantly Pain and Panic drifted through the resistant layers of cloud and eventually crested a ridge that dipped into a large, central portico and lush olive trees surrounding it. Rich rose and quartz marble columns supported a decorative aqueduct that wound its way through the party scene; occasionally nectar and ambrosia descended in celestial cascades. Shifting frescos colored their ways across the columns in tune to the music.
The party goers glowed in numerous, spectral shades ranging from blood red to sapphire blue to deep purple. The coloration was a manifestation of both their powers and their personas, with the spectrum designating different meanings.
In the midst of the party, Hercules and his father strode among patrons and friends who offered compliments, congratulations, and witty gestures to the hero of Olympus. The bronzed Greek was basking in the moment as he reveled in the success of his latest accomplishments.
After observing the scene for some moments, Pain and Panic’s sharp, pointed ears perked up when they heard a booming laugh issue from the King of the Gods. “Ah son, I can’t begin to express my pride in your service to the kingdom.”
Hercules balked slightly as his father slapped is shoulder, but recovered with a shaky grin. “Thanks father,” the demigod said, idly rubbing his sore back.
“You deserve all the recognition you receive,” the white bearded deity bellowed, “I only wish your friend were here to enjoy the celebration.” Zeus looked to the sky, as if hoping to spot the Pegasus swooping in for a late arrival.
“He’s busy with the modeling of his new stable,” Hercules explained in a bored tone indicating he’d explained numerous times before.
“Ah, right,” the God of the Sky rumbled, before his smile brightened electrically. “But let this not stop us from engaging in the revelries.” And with that he guided his son to another group of friends.
Pain and Panic looked at each other in disbelief. The chances were almost too good to be true, and yet, they’d heard the words uttered by the ruler of the Gods himself. Shrugging they turned on heel and made their way back to the main center of the celestial city. Reading engraved Greek directions, they followed a cobbled pathway up to a large, arched building that hosted to brass doors with equine inscriptions on them. Together the demons pushed the grand entrance open and ventured inside.
The pair realized they might be recognized once inside, and Pain quickly transformed into a luminescent blue caretaker leading a gorgeous, brown and white Pegasus Panic by some reigns. They ventured into the rows upon rows of horse stables, each becoming grander and fancier than the previous ones. After several minutes of walking, they finally came upon their target. Pegasus was just putting the final touches on a luxurious, four room stable that appeared nicer than most nobleman’s homes.
Snorting in satisfaction as he nuzzled a painting into place, the winged equine stepped back to admire the work of art. Pain and Panic’s illusions both stared in wonder as well. The picture showcased Hercules riding astride a heroic Pegasus after a particularly important victory against the Hydra. Pain and Panic both rolled their eyes at the gaudy display of pride, but Pegasus seemed content in allowing it to serve as the center piece of his brand new stable.
Smiling with satisfaction, the winged hero turned his head and gave a slight start when he saw the illusions projected by the minions. His eyes grew wide and dopey from Panic’s simulated appearance, before Pegasus fluttered over like a dove and nodded his head in greeting.
Catching on, Panic nodded in return, feigning interest and admiration for the pure white stallion. Stepping forward confidently, Panic tried not to do exactly what his name entailed. He swallowed his pride, gritted his teeth and shook himself free from the reigns. “Go get dinner ready,” he whispered to Pain, before continuing into the apartment.
Pain nodded frantically, and hurried off as if he were some servant with pressing orders.
Panic went in and was introduced to the world of a hero. Prancing and playing the stereotypic role of a female besotted by a heroic male horse, the minion turned pegasus did his best to go along with Pegasus’ awful efforts at flattering.
The abashed stallion led the illusory female on a tour of his new palace, showing off the crystal pools spouting from a refreshing fountain in one room to the unequivocal views of the lounge area. Everything was tailored for the use of four legged steeds, and Pegasus reveled in his access functions usually reserved for humans and gods.
Panic couldn’t but be slightly impressed by the fancy settings, but he was well aware of his role and the end goal. Adopting a slightly bored demeanor, the brown and cream colored illusion seemed to only take interest in the final room Pegasus introduced: The kitchen.
Panic allowed his appearance to heighten her levels of interest considerably upon viewing the extensive dining/food preparation area. Whinnying encouragingly, Panic’s pegasus gestured toward the kitchen and winked seductively to the eager stallion.
Pegasus immediately picked up on the inclination and made for the pair to lay down on two plush, curved cushions situated around a marble and bronze table. Ringing a bell with one hoof, Pegasus nickered reassuringly that food would be arriving shortly.
Several moments later, a scrambling Pain dressed in the guise of a servant chef bustled in and made a large show of laying out an impressive amount of food. Once everything was set, Panic’s female took charge and began eating. Pegasus took the signal and began to eat heartily as well. They held a respectful silence for a little while, occasionally making eye contact, but mainly concentrating on their food.
After ten minutes, Panic finally allowed his alluring roan to issue a polite cough and signal that she was finished. Pegasus also seemed full and made to push his platter of vegetables away only to be stopped by Panic’s illusion.
The demon’s pegasus hypnotically padded over and picked up another bowl of assorted produce in her mouth. She pushed the bowl towards the stallion who, completely bewitched, took the food without hesitation.
Despite Pegasus’ trim stomach issuing a low growl to indicate that it was full, the stallion continued to eat more as he gazed entrancingly into the female pegasus’ encouraging gaze. As he ate, he failed to notice his belly slowly growing tighter and expanding roundly from additional food. His concave stomach slowly pushed out to swell into a faint sphere that only extended with the food being crammed into it. On and on the feeding session went, until finally, Pegasus’ swollen abdomen could hold no more.
Being a lithe, powerful horse meant the stallion could never afford to indulge himself in this manner. Only after he’d broken out of his daze did Pegasus realize his once in warding curving belly now protruded outwards in a smooth, taught foot wide globe. Gently, Panic’s roan nuzzle the tender surface of his bulging belly before turning on forelock and swaying hypnotically out of the room.
The stunned Pegasus could only stare on in wonder, his enlarged abdomen pressing into the cushion and arching his back slightly. As he looked on, his mind started to churn along again, and he slowly came back into the embrace of reality.
What would that reality be?