King Louie reached out to take another banana only to have his hand catch air. Looking to his left side he saw not a trace of any bananas left. Looking to his right he saw a huge pile of banana peels from what was once whole bananas. And finally he looked straight down to confirm his guesses. He had been eating them all, and they where all in his belly.
He had been known for being a very well rounded orangutan before, but it was nothing compared to the belly he was sporting now. All of that eating and not moving had been a very good way for him to pack the pounds. Looking at it he could see that it looked to be at least three times the size it was before, and even when sitting down he could see it hanging down half a foot from his waist. To further confirm that it was his eyes playing him a trick he took and felt it with his one of his hands. Touching it felt soft and jiggly meaning that it wasn't even digested food anymore, but a part of him.
He didn't move or say anything, he just sat there and marveled over the fact that it was his body. He hadn't even been thinking for how long he had been just sitting and eating, but it must a been a very long time considering he had never once before stopped and thought about it. Looking up he saw his loyal servants staring at him. He wondered what they thought of him right now. Did they still see him as their great leader, or was he now just a big slob taking up their space? Maybe he should just walk away from them, find a nice place to be lonely, and start consuming other fruits?
"NO!" he thought. He had been doing this for too long already, and just moving to another place wasn't going to help it. And what about his servants? Would he just abandon them after all this time they had been loyal for him? He had learned to become great friends with almost all of them, and from what he saw from looking up earlier proved that they too where still his friends. They could have just leaved long ago and let him sit on his busted throne eating bananas, but from what he saw they where all still there. They where still there because they cared, and he was lucky to have such great and supporting friends. He had been depressed a long time now, but not any more.
The servants where wondering if something had hit the king inside since he was now just sitting there looking down, when all of a sudden he started to move again. Everyone became silent and watched as their king took and raised his head again. Looking out on his smaller army the king was silent at first, before first giving a smile, and then laughing. At first the monkeys thought that something was wrong with their king, but then they remembered that it was the same laugher that their king would give when he wanted to have fun. He was back.
The king looked at his servants and then at his belly, and then started to play with for them. He was jiggling it with his hands, used it as a big drum to play on, and even got of his throne to do a little belly dance with it, and the servants loved it. This was the Louie they had been missing for a long time. The one that would solve all his problems by making jokes and throw parties. He was still very much fatter then his usual self, but they didn't care, they had missed him.
It didn't take long for the monkeys to get into the old groove that they used to have, with King Louie being the center of it. They played music, ate fruit, and was overall having a great time. But for the King things wasn't over that easy. He had been in his sad state for a reason, and for him there was only one way for him to get it all behind him and move on.
And that thing was...