Knuckles was busy sleeping on the Emerald Shrine's steps when a voice spoke in his head:"Knuckles, my faithful and loyal guardian, someone is soon coming to take me away from this world, someone VERY powerful. Let them take me, and go with them. It is very important that you trust them." Knuckles, startled and horrified, then asked the Master Emerald:"Wait, who's coming to take you? And you could've spoken to me THIS WHOLE TIME?!" Then, Knuckles heard a large roaring sound, like that of a METEOR... He turned, and saw a giant fireball streaking towards him and the Emerald, which he immediately tried to shield from the coming blast that NEVER CAME. Instead, the meteor stopped in mid-air and turned towards the ground, then began to descend. When the drop-pod had landed, two figures emerged from the pod:A giant human wearing a kind of golden armor, and a human girl. The two otherworlders walked up the shrine steps, and the Stranger introduced himself:"Hello, Knuckles, good to see you again. You may call me the Stranger, and I'm lead to believe that Mas. Eme. here's brought you up to speed, yeah? I'm guessing he was vague about it, though. Like he said, me and Shine here have come to take you both from here, at least for a little while." Knuckles then warned to the Stranger as the human lifted the Master Emerald:"Alright, since you know the Emerald. Just be careful with it, okay?" The Stranger laughed, then averted his fears:"Relax, Knuckles, I know what I'm doing. Shine, if you could, please?" The human girl whose name was apparently Shine then placed a device where the Master Emerald just sat, then she pulled several cords from it and proceeded to wrap them around the pillars in a spiral pattern. Knuckles, confused and worried, demanded of her:"Hey, just what do you think you're doing?!" He then turned to face the Stranger in anger, who consoled him:"Don't worry; she's just repairing the Shrine with nanotech." At that point, Shine had finished lining the Shrine with cords, and proceeded to activate the device. Knuckles looked at the spectacle before him with joy and amazement as the Shrine was restored to perfect condition, just like he'd seen it in his visions. The four of them then entered the pod, which then rocketed back into space, the pristine Shrine standing resolute and immovable; a testament to the ancients.