Al sighed. "Brother, I really don't think this is a good idea."
Tying a napkin around his neck, Ed turned in his seat to look up at the animated suit of armor that was his younger brother and grinned. "Ah, c'mon, Al, lighten up! We're a little tight on cash, so what could it hurt? Besides, we're gonna be stuck in Central for a few days, so what could it hurt?"
Al blinked. "Are you sure you just don't want an excuse to stuff your face?"
Ed laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Eh...I'll admit that might be a factor." The younger Elric groaned, bringing a palm to his metallic face.
It had all started earlier that day, when Ed had had to report in to Colonel Mustang after exhausting another lead on the Philosopher's Stone. There had been much grumbling on the diminutive alchemist's part, and much smirking on the colonel's part, but miraculously, they had gotten through it without Ed losing his temper.
Unfortunately, when they had gone to the train station to hitch a ride back to Resembool (both to recuperate and to relax a bit,) they had discovered that, due to an unforeseen malfunction in the train's systems, they would have to wait a few days before it was repaired, essentially stranding the two in Central for the time being.
Swearing, Ed had stormed off, grumbling, with a resigned Al close behind. It wasn't long, though, before Ed's stomach had started growling, and he remembered he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. With this in mind, he'd set off in search of someplace to eat... and had immediately discovered the exact thing to take his mind off his troubles; specifically, a restaurant that was hosting a contest, in which any takers could come and take on their biggest courses. If they succeeded, they'd be rewarded with a sizable cash prize.
Upon finding this out, Ed had immediately darted inside and signed himself up. Now, he sat at a table, eagerly awaiting his first course.
Soon enough, it arrived, and it was...