You looked at each and everyone of the mares in front of you. Each was hoping you would pick them. Some were more willing to admit it, while other were more reserved. Celestia was looking confident, probably thinking that you would pick her. Chrysalis had a neutral face. To her, it was just sex. Though the desire in her eyes was evident. Luna and Cadence were skeptical and not too sure about this. They wanted it, no doubt. But Luna was unsure of herself, hot having had any kind of intercourse since even before her banishment. And Cadence had said she already had a special somepony so, she probably didn't wanted to risk cheating her colt/marefriend. Nightmare Moon, of the ther hoof... You looked in her eyes, for it was said that the eyes were windows to someone's soul and thus couldn't lie. Her eyes showed that she indeed was diferent from what you had heard and read about her. They showed care, compassion, insecurity, desire, caution, hope and a deep and loving desire. Her figure was one that countless females, pony and human alike, would die for. Heck, even Luna and Cadence seemed a bit jealous. Then, after thinking a bit and comparing, you made your decision.
"I want you, Nightmare Moon."
Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Chrysalis couldn't believe what they heard! You had chosen Nightmare over them! When you looked at Nightmare Moon, her jaw hung open and her eyes her as wide as dinner plates.
"F-for real?! Y-you, want me?!"
Blushing, you answered. "Yes. I do. Though I do have a condition."
"What is it?"
"That I get to call you "Moon"."
"Eh? Okay but, why?"
"Well, Nightmare Moon is kind of a mouthful. And it dosen't seems or feels right to call you Nightmare when your all but. So I decided on Moon."
Nightmare seemd stuned for a moment, until your words sunk in completely. Suddenly, she blushed and began to laugh merrily. Her laughter was music to your ears.
"*chuckle* Thank you for saying that. It's very sweet of you. And I don't mind that you call me like that. But I have a counter condition."
"Go ahead, Moon."
"My condition is that we present each other. We never did so."
The other Royals were a bit ashamed now. They had planned to have sex with you, yet they didn't even knew your name. You smiled and looked at Moon's beautiful face.
"My name is Leon Midnight."
"Midnight? An uncommon last name for a human."
"Well, my father is human, but my mother is a Unicorn."
"Ah. I see. Interesting. I am Nightmare Moon."
"Pleased to make your aquaintance.", you picked her felt hand and planted a kiss on the middle finger. Which made Moon blush.
"My, my. Such a gentleman. Still, I think we could leave the formalities fo later, no? We have more important things to take care of now." she said, while sitting on your lap. Her butt pressed firmly on your legs and your privates almost touced each other."
"*chuckle* I'll be happy to oblige, my lady."
She was about to take your pants off with her magic, but you stoped her.
"Pealse, allow me."
You raised your left hand a bit and it began to glow with a dark blue aura. Needless to say that the fact that you possesed magic surprised everyony. You used your magic to remove both, yours and Moon's clothes, leaving you both on your birthday suits.
"You're quite an intersting human, you know that? Once we're done here, I'd like to get to know you better and chat with you, Leon."
"I'm honored, Moon. It will be a pleasure."
"Well, then. How about we begin, my dear?"
"Whenever you're ready, my lady."
Moon got up from your legs and laid down on the mattress with her eyes closed. She clearly wanted you to make the first move. And you wouldn't disapoint her. You went to the upper part of her body and began massaging her left arm with your own and to caress her face with your right one, causing the black mare to emit many moans, which indicated that she was pleased with your work so far. She opened her eyes and looked at you with needing, lustful and caring eyes. That, and the fact that her face was almost as red as a strawberry, indicated that she wanted more. And you happily obliged. You moved your arms to her well developed and shapely brests and began massaging them, as well as using the knuckles of your thumbs to press and play with her nipples. Moon's breathing was becoming more hoarse with each passing moment. The other royals, however, weren't so thrilled. Celestia's face clearly showed that she was absolutely jealous on Nightmare for snatching you from her. Luna too was envious of her dark side. She felt that she, once again, had taken something from her. Even if that something were just a few moments of fun. Chrysalis decided that if she couldn't have you, she would take pleasure in the show that you and Moon were giving. Cadence was blushing like mad at the scene unfolding in front of her. She had also began to play with ber breast a bit and, altough she felt ashamed for doing so, she couldn't seem to stop. Back to you and Moon, your hand were still playing with Moon's breasts. But you had also begun to alternate between giving kisses, light nips and licks through all Moon's upper body.
"Ah, ah. L-Leon. It feels s-so gooood!"
That and other comments and praizes she made to you encouraged you to keep going. In a moment of boldness, you used your left arm to grab her waist and your left hand to grab and squeeze her but, which made her squeak cutely. But you weren't finished. Next, you brought your body close to hers and put yourself face-to-muzzle with Moon. She looked at you, confused by your actions. But she understood with your next action. You closed your eyes and kissed her firmly and passionately full on the lips. She, and the other mares as well for that matter, was shocked! Sure, Luna had been kissed before, but SHE had never been kissed by someone! She ejoyed the feeling, melting in your embrace and into the kiss, and returned it with all the passion she could muster. Soon, the two of you were making out. Your tongues wrestling each other in a loving embrace. She took advantage on her snake-like tongue and used it to explore every corner of your mouth and to polish each of your teeth with her saliva. Both of you were moaning from the pleasure you were giving each other and reciving in return. You broke of, for you both needed air. Then, you did something that she considered quite adventurous. You pulled yourself higer and began licking and sucking at Moon's horn, as well as massaging her wings.
"A-aaahhhhhhh! Oh, Leon! This is sooo gooOOD!!! P-please don't stop! Keep going!"
You did so gladly. Changing your rythm according to Moon's breathing and to her responses to your ministrations. Eventually, Moon's ejaculated from her horn, releasing a blast of liquid magic into your mouth and down your throat. You swallowed everything greedily, not wanting to waste a single drop of Moon's sweet magic.
"My turn."
She suddenly used her magic to turn the two of you around, so that she was on top of you.
"You put my pleasure first, rather than satisfying yourself. For that, I'm going to reward you generously, my precious lover."
"I appreciate it, my goddess of the night."
"Oh? Goddess of the Night, huh? Are you trying to flatter me, sweetie?"
"That deppends. Is it working?"
"Hm, hm. Maybe."
"Well, wether it works or not, know that I mean it."
"Oh, Leon...."
"And that's why I'll do this."
"Do what?"
You then used your own magic to switch positions. Moon was still on top of you, but she was facing your cock, rather than your face. And you were seeing a vision that you were sure few, if any, had ever seen. You were looking at the what certainly was the most perfect of lower lips to exsits. Before Moon could say anything, you grabbed her butt cheecks, brought her pussy to your face and began licking fervishly!
"Aaahhh!!!! Yes, Leon! Lick me! Lick my pussy with all you've got!"
You stoped licking, but only long enough to say: "As you wish, my goddess."
You resumed licking. This time with more force and vigor than before. Meanwhile, Moon was sucking your cock for all that she was worth. Trying to milk out all of your seed and claim it for her! It wasn't long before you felt your climax coming and Moon wasn't far behind!
"M-Moon! I'm cumming!"
"M-me toooo, Leon!"
You both cummed in each other's mouths. Moon swallowed all of your seed, while you were busy licking the left overs from your face and Moon's vagina.
The other royals, well, each had a defferent reaction. Celestia was feeling both, highly jealous and completely horny! Chrysalis had already cummed twice. One when you Moon blew her load from her horn and the second one when you and Moon came. Luna was highly horny too and, in spite of herself, she had began to masturbate at the two of you, as had Cadence.
"That was so good, Moon."
"I'm glad you liked it, my sweet."
"Still, we're not done yet."
"No, we're not. There's still the main event, isn't there?"
"Precisely. Would you like to strat now?"
"Oh, yes please!"