You nod your head *Yes* to Princess Celestia's question, the Sun Goddess's eyes narrow with a sly smile. You can feel your cheeks heat up from just looking at her
Celestia's hand caress down your cheek, adding more to your blushing red face. "Very well my little prince~ Let's take this some were private~" Her words come out in a seductive slur in her tone.
Princess Celestia gently pushes you off her body, her eyes close as her long horn starts to glow a magical aura. The 3 other mare's behind you notice this.
Princess Luna takes a step forward, her dark-blue face now looking 10 shades of red, seeing her own sister make-out with some stranger had to have been awkward for the mare. "T-Tia, wait.." she says loudly, but with a cute stutter.
You look back at the other girls, Celestia's eyes open slowly, her horn still glowing strong. You didn't notice, but it's slowly starting to wrap around you and the Princess.
The Princess of the Night's mouth opens, trying to say something but it must of got lost in her throat. Celestia just looks at her sister with a coy smirks, as if she's taunting her. You wonder whats going on with Luna...your thoughts get moved aside as you feel a smooth-silky hand grasp your chin & force you slowly to look back at Celestia. Her pale-magenta eye beaming at yours.
You can't help but stare back at her, your mind starts to crave kissing her, licking her, doing anything that gets you be close to this mare.
A loud growl can be heard behind you, it seems Queen Chrysalis seems upset for some reason. Her snake like tongue let's out a hiss, her left leg hoof slams itself on the sand, causing it to flare up into the air. Princess Cadence let's out a adorable little shriek as the sand hits her body.
"Enough with these games, Celestia!" Chrysalis says with a hiss, The Princess of the Sun stares back at the Queen with a nonchalant expression her face, her horn still glowing strong as the bubble surrounds you both.
Princess Celestia's arm wrap around you, you feel yourself falling against her well-endowed bosom. Celestia looks at her fellow princess's and her Queen *friend* one last time before she waves her hands at them.
"Bye!~ Have fun in the sun girls~" she tells them with her motherly voice.
Suddenly, with a bright flash. You both disappear.
Princess Luna looks at the blanket that you both where laying on, she sighs & rubs her left arm sadly. Suddenly the midnight-alicorn seem to be longing for affection that her sister got.
Queen Chrysalis glares intensely at where Celestia was, how dare that old mule steal her possible *Love resource* toy. Chrysalis wraps herself with her arms crossed under her breast. Huffing with her hooves kicks against the sand..
Princess Cadence eyes the two, wondering why they seem to be so interested in some human. Though Cadence herself was hoping to maybe use you in a way to relieve her lustful desires that her buckfriend doesn't do to her. The thoughts make the Love Goddess shudder with a blush on her cheeks.
============================================================================ ====================================
Another flash of light and you appear inside some room, you blink as you try to understand what happen. The room looks like something from a castle.
You feels something right next to your right, you see Princess Celestia standing tall. She might be a few feet taller than you.
Princess Celestia glances down at you with a little smile "Welcome to the Royal Carriage~" she says in her sly tone.
"Carriage..?" you say slowly as your head tilts slightly to show how confused you are, this can't be the same one you saw on the way to the beach. That was way to small for something this big.
Celestia holds her finger to her lip as she giggles cutely "..Magic~" is all she says.
You blink and let out a "Oh..." Guess magic is all you need to say to make someone shut up about something.
Princess Celestia chuckles at your naivety to pony magic.
Celestia then walks in-front of you, walking over to a coffee table which has 3 couches around it. Glasses of wine can be seen on the table, showing what the 4 royal mares did before they arrived at the beach.
You finally take the time to look at Celestia, without being distracted by the other sexy mares.
Princess Celestia is...absolutely beautiful. Her body, her skin is a delicious looking milky white that rivals the looks of her younger sister, Luna. You recall feeling Celestia's wonderful skin, it felt silky & smooth to the touch. Her ass is tight & well-rounded, every little step she makes causes it to jiggle around, her cute sun cutie mark complements her body...and adds to her sex you crave to lick that sun mark.
Princess Celestia turns around to your direction, showing off her front body in all its glory. Her well-endowed bosom jiggles slightly like her butt, your eyes get lost in the darkness of her cleavage . Those two gold-sleeve's can't possibly hold her massive breast. Her stomach shows off a well-toned line down her navel, of course a princess would keep herself in shape. Her wide-hips have her pantie hug tightly against them, the curves from her belly going between her thighs near her covered beauty.
You can't stop looking at her, you blush as you keep thinking of all the possible things you'd do to this mare.
Celestia looks back at you, her face showing curiosity. She blinks and looks down her body, her finger slides underneath her pantie's string. Coiling it around her finger
"[Your Name], is my butt to big..?" she asks you in a..shy tone?
You blink, snapping out of your thoughts. You shake your head "N-no, of course not..." you say with a little stutter at the start.
The Princess of the Sun smiles at you, her fingers let go of her string, letting it snap back against her hips.
Celestia's hands slide down to hold her hips, she sways her hips side to side "Really, thank you~" he says seductively.
Your eyes stay glued at her hips, watching them sway to her movement...she's teasing you.
Celestia's hands get off her hips & stretching her arms up in the air, her back arch's with her hips sticking out forward, giving you a good view of her nicely shaped-breast & her well-toned midriff. Celestia's lips open slightly to let out a "Mmph~". She looks back at you, her back still arch. Her left hand rubs against her breast & stomach. "Am I fat [*Your Name*]?" he says again in a shy like tone, her hand idly cups her chest while her other one rubs her stomach slowly.
The more you look at her touch herself, the more you feel yourself getting tight between your trunks. You blush more red & shake your head "Of course not..your body is perfect..." you tell.
Princess Celestia smiles at you, a hint of red shades her cheeks. "Thank you..." she tells.
Celestia stands up right again, she eyes you with a smirk as sits down on one of the couches. She pats the seat right next you as gesture to get closer.
Slowly, you walk over to the couch & take a seat. Your body jolts slightly as you feel the Princess's arm wrap around your shoulder.
You feel the blood rush to your head even more as she forces your head to rest on your shoulder, her smooth-delicate hands caress your cheeks lovingly.
Celestia smiles warmly as she has you in her arms, her fingers coil some of your hair on them. "Say, [*Your Name*]..." she mutters. Her hand runs down your cheek & presses her thumb on your cheek, your eye closes from the pressure of her thumb. "Yes.." you says back to her.
"Would you like to continue now..~? or would simple idle chattering be good?" she asks you.
You blink, then start blushing against the Princess's bosom. You'd really love to just, kiss her again, push her against the couch, fondle every part of her body till she cries your name over & over again...but maybe getting to know the Princess can be just as much of a good thing.
Celestia looks at you, waiting for your answer. As she waits for your to speak, she looks down at her belly. The Princess runs her finger around her navel. " you think I should get my belly button pierced..? I've seen a lot of the female humans have one..and my mare subjects have been following the trend..." she says softly...
Another question to answer...great~