Face in the corner, Joe hears Miss Christy pick up her phone. "Hey, are you home?..... Great! Stay there, I've got a surprise for you........... You have company? Who?........Oh thats great, they'll enjoy this too. Be there soon"
She calls Joe from the corner. "We're going for a walk to see a friend of mine from down the street. Let's get moving." She grabs Joe by the hand and pulls him along, allowing him only one hand to hide his manhood. His bright red bottom is on display. They are soon outside and walking down the street. About half way there, a car full of high school girls drives by honking. "Give them a wave Joe," Miss christy says, still holding one hand. He is forced to reveal his penis to the girls as he waves. They giggle and one pulls out a camera phone to take a picture before he can cover up. Miss christy only smiles. "Uhoh, looks like they got a souvenier." and laughs as Joe stars at the ground, blushing furiously.
They finally reach the porch of her friend. Miss christy rings the doorbell and turns to Joe. "hands on your head young man. Now!" Joe is quick to comply.
The door opens to reveal a shocked woman, about Miss Christy's age. "Oh my, what do we have here?"
Miss Christy answers. "This is Joe. We've been chatting online, and he agreed to do some chores for me, unfortunately he didnt do a great job so this is part of his punshment."
"Oh really, well Joe, I'm sorry to hear that. Although i guess im not. *giggle* Why dont you two come in and meet the ladies."
They enter and are greeted by shocked and smiling faces. it looks like a small book club. As they go through introductions, it appears that Joe went to school with one of the woman's daughters. Miss Christy comments "well Joe will have to be extra well behaved to earn your silence then i guess." It is soon apparent that many of these women have seen the pictures that Joe had taken already.
One woman remarks on Joe's red bottom. "Oh yes, he recieved a spanking for taking too long. May need another before the day is over." Joe gulps
She makes Joe stand quetly next to her as she sits and chats. Most of the talk is about what Miss Christy has made Joe do before. They talk about him as if he isn't even there. Partway through the conversation Miss Christy takes a hand and begins to play with Joe's penis, until it stands straight up. She thens stops, teasing him about waiting till its time.
Suddenly the front door opens, and in walks the two teenage girls who drove by earlier, along with two new friends. They appear to be about 16 or 17. "Oh yes, thats my daughter."
One of the girls smiles and walks over. "Oh we've already met, sorta." The three other girls are giggling loudly, and have all taken out their cellphones. The mother says "Oh good. Yes, this is Joe. He is a special friend of Miss Christy. She is in charge of him."
Miss Christy smiles "Yes, and as it happens, Joe is in need of some punishment, would you girls care to help. We'll need more room though." With that, Miss Christy stands up and takes Joe by the penis. She pulls him out to the front door. The woman and teenagers follow.
Out front there is a bench that Miss Christy walks to. It is very open and visible from the street and neighbors houses. Miss Christy sits down and pulls Joe over her lap. The girls are lined up, recording it all with cameras "This is totally going on Facebook!" Joe looks away, but Miss Christy tells him "No being shy, Joe. Soon everyone will see your spanked ass and blushing face and know you've been a naughty boy. Now look into the camera and thell them."
Joe looks into the camera and quietly mutters "Im a naughty boy."
SPANK Miss Christy says "Not so quiet, I want everyone to hear." SPANK
"Ow, I'm a naughty boy!"
The girls and the women all laugh. With that the spanking begins. Joe's ass is bright red when she's done. Several car's drove by and honked at them. Miss Christy has him stand up with hands on his head. He is facing the street. "Well girls, I think you should have some fun with him"
The teenagers and women crowd around Joe. The girls are in front, playing with his penis. The women behind, spanking Joe some more. One of the teenagers reaches out and firmly takes Joe's penis in her hand. She begins to jerk him off. Joe try's to hold off but after a minute he begins to cum. All the girls giggle and the woman watch, large smiles on their face. Only Miss Christy looks angry. "Joe, how could you. I told you to wait!"
Once Joe recovers "I didnt mean to Miss christy, she was touching me. I couldnt help it."
"No excuses. You will have to be punished for this now too. I think forfeiting your clothes will do nicely"
"But Miss Christy, how will I get home"
"Why, naked of course"