I used to jog in the morning when I was as ridiculously small as the rest of the world. A body like mine required some discipline. This habit has definitely come in handy now that I've grown.
I've been running for about 45 minutes and the city I've stopped at must be a good 600 miles from the spot Tim and I have kind of established at, which is in the outskirts of our hometown. It's clear that they were not expecting me.
Its inhabitants will not be the first ones to suffer me today. Stuff has unavoidably got crushed as I jogged, since a girl my size just cannot care about farms, roads or small towns on her way. Running barefoot felt a little odd at first, but I really enjoy it now, the feeling of stuff under my soles often being the only reference I have about what I'm crushing. It actually feels weirder to have my DDs bouncing freely with every stride, but until someone makes a sports bra in size 3600... or actually any other clothes for what matters, I'm stuck at showing myself to the world in my birthday suit. I'm hardly concerned about it. I've always been a little of an exhibitionist and it's not as if there's anything about my body I would like to hide, is there?
Tim doesn't feel like this. He has somehow managed to cover his groin with some type of horrible cloth that make him look very weird. True, the rest of what he's showing to the world is not to feel too proud either. Calling him scrawny would be an understatement. I'm actually a little concerned that people associate him to me, since it's well known that we are supposed to be a couple and I guess that people must be thinking how someone like me could be with someone like him. Once you think about it, there is only one possible reason: he made me like this in the first place. It's not a bad reason. Of course, now that we're both big there is really no good reason for me to break up with him, Tim being the only real animate being able to please me.
Anyway, enough of Tim. I'm here at this new, unsuspecting city, and I'm ready for a new day of fun. I can hardly believe that it took me a full week to embrace the entire extent of what had happened to me.
I'm not going to get to the city right away, though. Cleaning my forehead with the back of my hand, I notice that, once more, I'm sweating. My skin is glistening in the bright early morning sun and the consequences of my exertion are evident in the streams of sweat that ran along my body. Of course, I'm not tired. If anything, I only feel healthier and stronger since I grew. But still, this is summer, the temperature must be already in the high eighties and I've ran 600 miles non stop.
I may be 500 feet tall, but I'm still a girl, and there's no way I'm going to be on worldwide TV rampaging a city with dry sweat or sticky hair. A bath is in order.
So, rather than crossing the highway I just walk around it, in the direction of the cliffs that will give me access to the ocean. I guess that sooner or later people will realize that I keep choosing cities by the sea or by a lake. I stop a few steps short of them. There's one more thing I need to do to complete my morning routine.
It's curious how quickly one can get used to a new perspective to the world. Things are still the same, but they just serve a new purpose to me. Take mass transportation, for example. Keeping aside the fact that I've always loved model train sets, I don't know what I would do without buses, and trains and the like. I mean, I'm a big girl, so unless people were not already making it easy for me by conveniently packing themselves in easy to grab vehicles, I would need to spend a while plucking them one by one in order to have breakfast.
My catch of the day is a Greyhound bus that's about as long as my hand. I need to reposition my left foot to reach for it, inadvertently crushing half a dozen cars under it. The usual stuff.
I stand back and and look through the windows with curious eyes. Nice! The bus is pretty packed! I start ripping the roof with my fingernails and by the time I'm done I have a screaming crowd of fifty trapped as if they were sardines.
"YOU GUYS LOOK LIKE A TASTY BUNCH!" I say. Then, I just start gently shaking people out of the bus and into my free hand, using two fingers into the ripped open vehicle as if it were a pack of tic-tacs.
The first half a dozen do actually look like tic-tacs as I open my mouth and toss them in unceremoniously. A couple minutes later the busload is in my stomach and the bus is a county away, after I have tossed it over my shoulder.
The next thing the city knows of me is a massive shaking as I lazily let myself drop off the cliff and start walking across the beach. I've said it was a sunny day, so the beach was starting to become pretty crowded. That is hardly a problem for me as I casually advance towards my morning bath. I stop when I reach the waterline and lift my right foot, looking under my sole to find a dozen tiny square colored cloths. Of course I know they are beach towels. They don't let me see the people that was probably between them and my barefoot's skin.
I already know that it's going to take a while to get to a spot where the water starts having some meaningful depth. And when I say a while I really mean a while. The bright side of this is that once I reach that area it's usually filled with boats. Well, I guess I should call them ships. I'm having some problem to qualify sizes, as you can imagine.
I ignore them at first and just let myself drop into the water, letting it cool my massive body and rubbing my hands along my skin, massaging it and cleaning it from the plenty of stuff that unavoidably ends up getting stuck into multiple parts of my body.
Turning upside down, I look at the sun filtering through the surface and identify the silhouettes of a few ships that are nearby and that are obviously trying to make a run. I know they have no chance, but as I stay underwater for even longer, taking advantage of my recently increased lung capacity and scaring the shit out of the people that are trying to guess where I will emerge, I think on what to do.
You see, that's one of the problems when one is my size: there are so many possibilities that sometimes it's hard to choose!