Bubbles pop on the end, then incredibly shoot forwards like bullets! They pop with little resonating 'Blurp's and the Ogre suddenly looks very odd.
"I... Urp... feel... *Blurk* Funny" he says, his voice gradually going up in tone.
There is a visible gurgle, then the face shifts, twisting, hair lengthening, neck shrinking, chin changing. Wow! But the body also shifts. Still looks Ogrish, but large bulges poke out his shirt, and the hips widen, waist narrowing...
The Ogress before you puts a hand to her head and slaps it.
"Ooooh, I feel funny." She says in a very sexy voice. Then she turns to you and smiles.
"Hey, you be my friend, yes?"
"Er, sure. My name's... Dr Hypno." You say "But you can call me Sam."
"Sam." The Ogress said simply, smiling "I like you. Like you lots and lots."
Blinking you stare at the frantically squirming bulge in the Ogress' gut. Oh right, Claire.
"OK, miss Ogress could y... "
"Michelle." She says simply.
Riiight. Michelle the Ogress.
"OK, Michelle, could you throw up my friend? The one you ate?"
"Pink jello girl?" She says, looks confused for a moment, shakes her head dizzily, then smiles. "Oh, sure. Whatever you say Sam."
Michelle then leans over and 'hurks' a few times, before beginning to throw up your slimy sister. After some very unpleasant noises Claire comes out in a torrent of pink goo, at first nothing more than a pink splatter on the floor, but she soon pulls herself together.
"OoooOOooh." She moans, sitting up, looking dizzy.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't stop that! The guy..." You across at 'Michelle'. "The girl ate you so quick I couldn't do anything. I made sure to get you out though, as soon as I could!"