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Rated: E · Interactive · Erotica · #1856959
a quality-controlled interactive about life in a pudgy prep school
This choice: Arisa still cannot leave her room, she calls Ms Polluck  •  Go Back...
Chapter #90

Dial F for a Friend

    by: Trampltrum
Arisa had never phoned up anyone at the school before; if anyone rang them it was her mother asking about various facilities at Buttercombe. So when the time came to actually do it Arisa was quite nervous; it took her until about second lunch-time for her to pluck up the courage and swallow her anxiety, but eventually she got through.

It surprised the tubby Thai girl when it was not Ms Polluck but her assistant who picked up instead. The sound of the wrong person’s voice sent Arisa into a bit of a panic; but Candace Scott was a very pleasant and well-meaning woman and soon Arisa was patched through to her original target.

“H-hello, Ms Polluck?”


Arisa nearly squeaked at the stern tone, but pressed on. “It…it’s Arisa here, I was wondering if it was possible if I could be part of the school friend program?”

“I will see if we have anyone available…” Ms Polluck replied before the sound of her voice was replaced with the click-clack of long fingernails on a keyboard. “Right, looks like we have a girl, Sophia, she’s a freshman would that be ok with you?”

“Yes! Of course…thank you Ms!” Arisa answered, beaming at the thought of not just her phone call going off without a hitch but also the idea of company. “Is it ok if she comes over today?”


For the rest of the day Arisa was fidgety…but in a good way. Normally it took a lot of effort for her to make friends, but now she had just rung the head-teacher up and pretty much just made one before she even knew her!

What would this girl be like? Would she be funny? Quirky? Mischievous? Fat? Thin? Tall? Short? Oooo Arisa just couldn’t wait to find out!

Eventually there was a beep from the door. Arisa was expecting Anna to come waddling through but instead a very different figure let herself inside.

“Hello! Is this Arisa Boonliang-Spencer’s dorm?”

“Yes! I mean…that’s me!” Arisa squealed, waving her fat arms back and forth at the girl.

Closing the door behind her, the fresh face jogged over to Arisa’s side. “Hey! Oh wow! I mean, sorry...hi! I’m Sophia and I am part of the school friend program!”

Arisa looked the girl up and down. She was standing in a very confident position; with her legs spread apart and her hands on her hips…and what hips they were.

This certainly answered Arisa’s question on if her new friend was going to be fat or not, and the answer was a resounding yes! Sophia was thick all over, but no actual fat-rolls were really visible. Every art of her looked plump and almost inflated with fat, save for a horizontal crease in her big belly. If one was to eyeball her weight, it was probably about two hundred and fifty pounds. As for the rest of her; Sophia had long ruby-red hair that flowed straight down her back and plentiful freckles dotting her cheeks.

“Hi! I’m Arisa…although you already know that…and I am kinda stuck in my room all day…that’s why I asked for the friend program to send someone.” The titanic teen explained.

“Gotcha! Don’t worry, not in my nature to ask too many personal questions.” Sophia replied with a comforting smile. “SO! What do you want to do?” Sophia asked with another smile, “I am quite found of exercise, care to join me?” And with that Sophia started doing preparatory lunges next to Arisa’s bed. As keen as Sophia was though, Arisa had her doubts.

“Uh…would it be ok if we watched a movie? It’s what me and my friends normally do…and I really miss them.” Arisa suggested meekly.

Sophia looked a little put-out that she had failed to get Arisa involved in her exercises. In her head, the pudgy red-head had hoped to get Arisa to drop a few pounds while she was on the program; Sophia may be a tubby girl, but she was a toned tubby girl.

“Oh…ok, what have you got?”



“Hey Chelsea!” Parisa called out as she ran down the corridor, following the fattest member of her English class just as it finished.

“Mmm?” Came the lofty reply.

“You *phew* you’ve been saying you got one of those SSS dorms?” Paris asked, slightly annoyed about how quickly she had winded herself.

“Mmmm yeah…why?” Chelsea replied. It was kinda intimidating for Paris to talk to her. She was not the tallest girl in the world, so Chelsea’s monster boobs just loomed over her like a pair of massive water-balloons ready to pop.

“You’re not staying with a goth are you? Named Cerys?”

“Yes…why do you ask hun?”

“I’m her former roommate…and her friend. Well, all of her friend’s haven’t heard from her for a bit and we wanna know she is ok.” Paris elaborated.

“Oh Cerys is having a wonderful time with me!” Chelsea replied as she put a hand to her bosom self-importantly, but still keeping her sweet genuine smile. “We watch movies together, chit-chat over stuff, really she is fine!” Chelsea slightly neglected to mention how much attention she was lavishing over Cerys. As a struggling culinary arts student, Chelsea had needed a taste-tester; and after using herself for almost all of her freshmen year so far her efforts had almost led to her being put on SSS in less than a year, it seemed a much better idea to let someone else bear the brunt of the calorific meals she whipped up. Plus Cerys was just so needy, and clearly far too fat to do anything for herself, how could Chelsea not do everything in her power for her?

When it came to grades though Chelsea believed in practice practice practice, so Cerys did nothing all day but eat eat eat Chelsea’s hard work, and she barely had to lift a finger.

“Don’t worry yourself over her dear, I will make sure she knows her little friends are worried about her…” The top-heavy teen then brushed some of her long lilac hair off of her gigantic chest and then added, “Oh and hun, my eyes are up here…toodles!”

And with a little wave the airy teen turned around and waddled away, sashaying her plump rump as she went, leaving Paris quite stunned.


A few hours later, back at Arisa’s dorm room…

“Everyone, this is Sophia!” The cinnamon-skinned girl introduced with a gesture.



“I love your hair!”

“She will be hanging around here during the day, so treat her like she is one of our very own Risters!” As Arisa finished her, sentence it reminded Paris about her conversation with Chelsea earlier.

“Oh! Guys! I talked to Chelsea!” The valley-girl piped up, drawing the attention of everyone else in the room.

“And? How is Ms Porker?” Marissa jested.

“Well, she is doing fine..well that’s what Chelsea said.” Paris repeated back.

“That means she probably has the poor freshman fetching her things and being treated like a live-in maid…” The bodacious back-side heavy blonde remarked.

“Oooo! Be nice Ris!” Arisa pouted.

“What? She is probably mocking me right now; I swear I can sense it.”

"Annnyway, shouldn't we be treating our guest to some hospitality?" Anna butted in.

"Oh you don't have to make that much fuss..." Sophia tried to brush off.

"Well tough, we love having company over." Marissa taunted with a wagging finger. "You know what that means girls...?"

"Pizza party!" Arisa squealed, as she reached for her phone to dial room service. As she did, Sophia's eyes bugged; she had spent the past few hours with Arisa basically watching her power through enough movie snack-food to feed an entire theater, and now she wanted more?! No wonder she was on this ramped-up SSS stuff when she eats like this!

You have the following choices:

1. And Arisa does continue to eat like that...for some time

2. Sophia tries again to get Arisa to exercise

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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