"I'm bored."
Three usually active fillies lay around a treehouse. One, Sweetie Belle, was propped upside down in the corner trying to think of a cutie mark that she and her two friends could pursue today. They had exhausted Skydiving, Snorkeling, Orienteering, and even Studying. Scootaloo was still drying her wings from snorkeling, which was a fun activity in theory but one that ultimately resulted in a trio of cold fillies. Even Applebloom was opposed to the idea of any more water-themed activities for the day.
"It's not even late yet, there has to be something we can try," Scootaloo had turned onto her stomach and was facing the other two fillies.
"Well I don' know, we should really have a list for these things," Applebloom sighed.
The gang was quickly losing morale, until Sweetie Belle suddenly perked up and exclaimed, "I've got it!"
"What?" The other two both said.
"We should go ask Zecora if she has something for us to do, maybe we can get Cleaning cutie marks or something?"
"Really Sweetie Belle, cleaning cutie marks?" Scootaloo said.
"Yeah! Unless you have a better idea?"
"I ahgree with Sweetie Belle, we should go to Zecora's, even if it is cleanin', at least it's somethin'," Applebloom said.
Scootaloo let out a long sigh, "Fine, but you both owe me."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
The Everfree Forest was still a scary place, but the three fillies had been through it enough that the multiple growls and howls of forest creatures didn't really bother them anymore. However, something was different about these sounds. They were somewhat more guttural and even included some moaning, also there was a horrible stench in the air. Like a cross between rotten eggs and cabbage.
"Eww, this is sooooo gross," Sweetie Belle tried to breathe as little as possible through her nose, but she seemed to even be able to taste the smell. There was an unnatural haze in the air that pervaded every sense, today was an abnormal day, even for the Everfree.
"Oh deal with it Sweetie Belle, you were the one who wanted to go to Zecora's place," Scootaloo was just as bothered by the smell as her friends, but she couldn't show that to them. Not the cool Scootaloo. But for some reason she was getting really hungry. "Hey, do you guys want to find something to eat?"
"In the Everfree?" Applebloom looked over at her friend. Granted that Applebloom was kind of hungry too, but eating stuff from the Everfree was never a good idea.
"I mean, it's just that I'm kinda hungry and... Wait, Sweetie Belle what are you doing?"
Scootaloo and Applebloom both looked at their friend to find that she was currently munching on some yellow-colored grass. "Fhff?" Sweetie Belle tried to say through the tuft of grass in her mouth. She swallowed and tried again, "Well you were both taking about how hungry you were and I was too. This whole place smells really gross, but this grass stuff smells really good, and tastes good too!" Sweetie Belle went for another large bite.
Applebloom and Scootaloo both looked at each other and walked over to where Sweetie Belle was. After a cautious first bite, the two found that Sweetie Belle was indeed correct. The yellow-grass not only tasted great, but smelled great too. And their hunger was starting to go away! While the three fillies sat and munched on this new food, their original purpose was soon forgotten. Before long, the three fillies were trotting back to Ponyville with full bellies and content smiles, chatting about school and life in general. Each, however, would let out small belches as they went, hoping the others wouldn't notice.