As you’re about to give up hope of help and doze off, the heavy door opens and shuts, and you hear someone coo at you.
“Aww, what’s the matter, baby? Are you upset?”
You look up and see a tall female nurse, probably 6 feet or so.
She walks over to you and scoops you up under the armpits, walking over to a changing table.
While you are beyond relieved that she will get you cleaned up, you would be very vulnerable for the next couple minutes.
“Um, can I please go to the bathroom and clean myself up?” You ask politely. The nurse smiles down at you.
“Absolutely not, sweetheart.” She says in a happy voice. “Little babies can’t do anything for themselves.” With that, she pops a pacifier in your mouth and removes your dirty diaper with ease.
You were floored. How did she do that?!
“How did a little baby like you ever make it past potty training, huh? This is the messiest diaper I’ve had to change in a long time.” The nurse says. You blush and begin to cry.
As the nurse cleans you with baby wipes, she fills you in on just what you want to know.
“Now Kimmy, you’re probably wondering why you’re here. Well, we’re quite known for helping kids out of naughty behavior. You were selected after we received a very interesting referral from someone you know.” The nurse says vaguely.
You wonder if it’s your teacher. After all, if she hadn’t kept you after class, you wouldn’t even be here right now!
Finally, your bottom is clean and the nurse dusts you with baby powder, taping you into a nice clean diaper. She goes to wash her hands, and you take this time to study the closures. Just like last time, you’re helpless to remove it.
The nurse returns and smiles at you.
“Now that my baby’s all nice and clean, let’s get you into one of your new onesies. I’m sure you’re a bit cold.”
She walks over to a dresser and pulls out a pink onesie with flowers on it. It’s cute, but you don’t want any more baby clothes.
“I’m not cold.” You say quietly, but your arms are covered in goosebumps.
“How about a sweater? Would that be better?” The nurse asks. You nod and smile behind your pacifier.
When she holds up the sweater, your eyes widen. It looks super cozy, but the design is much more babyish than the onesie! It’s printed with cartoon rattles, baby bottles and teddy bears.
“Actually…” you say, and the nurse smiles.
“Onesie it is. Don’t worry baby, you’ll get used to onesies. They’re designed for babies anyway.” She says, dressing you in the onesie.
You look down and frown at how your diaper peeks out through the leg holes, and how it puffs up through the onesie anyway. The nurse picks you up and holds you close to her chest. She Carrie’s you over to the rocking chair and sits, cradling you.
“I know that this is a lot to take in, and that you’re very nervous, but I’ll take good care of you while you stay with us. We’ve helped many little babies like you. They’ve all since graduated and got to go back home to their families, nice and cooperative again.” She soothes, rubbing your back.
You’re very comfortable like this, and your eyes get heavy. You want to take a nap.
“What’s your name?” You ask sleepily.
“Mina, but once you’re comfortable enough, you can call me mama if you want to.” Mina replied.
You finally fall asleep, and Mina Carrie’s you over to the crib, laying you down. She turns on the baby monitor and mobile, smoothing your hair back.
“Sleep tight little one. We’ll start your work when you wake up.” Mina coos, leaving the nursery.
When you wake up, you look around. You sit up and feel damp. You wet your diaper.
“Mina?” You ask, pacifier bobbing in your mouth. The door opens and Mina walks in.
“Good morning, baby. How was your nap?” She coos, scooping you up.
“Nice, but-“ you say, teary eyes.
“Did you have an accident? It alright, let’s get you changed.” Mina says, laying you down on the changing table.
You look up at Mina as she removes the wet diaper, wiping you clean with wipes. She’s much quicker this time, having you powdered and in a clean diaper in mere minutes. You want to know how she decided to work here.
“All clean, baby girl.” She coos, going to the sink to wash her hands.
You kind of like when she calls you that. It’s comforting, and with the strange environment you’re in, you like comfort.
Mina puts you in your onesie and picks you up, sitting you on the floor. She pulls out a big deck of flash cards, like the ones you had in preschool.
“Alright Kimmy, I’ll show you some cards, and you point to the ones that describe how you felt before you came here.” Mina says.
You look at the selection, and point to the ones labeled ‘angry’, ‘lonely’ and ‘overwhelmed’.
“I see. Now, point to the ones that describe how you feel here.” Mina says, putting away the old cards.
You look at the options, and point to ‘scared’, ‘confused’. You see one that says ‘happy’ and almost point to it, but you stop yourself. You’re comfortable, yes, but happy? In diapers and treated as a baby?
Mina looks at you and coos.
“Okay sweetie, point to the cards that say how you want to feel.”
You point to the one that says ‘happy’, then to one’s that say ‘safe’ and ‘loved’.
“Good job, baby. You did very well.” Mina says. She cleans up the cards and picks you up, sitting you in a baby swing.
“I have to write a few things down, but then we can get you a bottle. I’m sure you’re hungry.” Mina says. She sits in the rocking chair and pulls out a notebook, scribbling with a pen.
You watch her, sucking your pacifier and rocking gently in the swing.
On a whim, unintentionally, you say something that surprised her.
Mina looks up and smiles brightly at you.
“What is it, baby?” She coos, putting the notebook down.
You can’t say anything more, feeling embarrassed. You reach your arms out and Mina walks over, scooping you up.
“Such a sweet baby, Kimmy. Mama’s not gonna have any trouble with you, is she?” Mina praises. She checks over her notes before putting the notebook on the shelf labeled ‘outgoing survey’.
Everything you’ve seen is so organized, it takes you out of the moment a little. Yes, this is a nursery, and you are living in it, but there’s surely a team of people watching, taking their own notes.
You realize at this moment, something that deeply upsets you: They know how quickly you’re regressing, and they know that you’ve already called Mina mama
You cry, dropping your pacifier. Mina rubs you back and gently sways with you, shushing you.
“They’re there, baby, mama’s here. You’re alright.” She soothes.