A young woman, probably in her early twenties if Yuki had to guess, had been timidly waving in Yuki's direction. While she wasn't in any apparent distress, and certainly wasn't drowning, Yuki knew that this didn't necessarily mean she didn't need help. So, entering the water and swimming out to the woman's location, Yuki tried to see what she could do to help.
"Is everything alright, ma'm?" Yuki asked as she paddled up to the woman. The way her eyes nervously darted around, along with how she defensively held her arms around herself, made it apparent that something wasn't quite right.
"No, everything is not alright!" the woman said, a hint of despair in her voice. "I was just enjoying a nice swim when, suddenly, my suit got pulled off! There wasn't anybody around, and it didn't get caught on anything. Just, one second I was fine, the next second *whoosh* and I'm naked!"
Yuki's cheeks reddened slightly as she realized the woman's problem. "Oh dear. That sounds like riptide." Yuki said. "I know this sounds ridiculous, but you're actually pretty lucky. That could have taken you out to sea along with your suit."
Yuki had seen a few instances of riptide divesting other swimmers before. It was an embarrassing situation for the unlucky victim, and Yuki was always glad that she'd never fallen victim to it. There's simply no way she'd ever live down such an embarrassing experience; honestly, just thinking about being naked on a public beach gave Yuki the chills. The young woman in front of her, however, had a lot more to be scared of than just the thought.
"You've gotta help me! I can't go back on shore like this!" the young woman said, trying to keep her voice down despite her distress. "I need a suit, I need something to cover up! You just can't leave me here naked!"
"Please, ma'm just calm down." Yuki said. The last thing she needed was this woman getting hysterical. "I'm going to ask you to just wait here. I'll go back to shore and grab a towel for you. That sound good?"
"How do I know you'll come back? What's to stop you from bringing a crowd back here to laugh and leer at me?" the woman asked, clearly started to lose it.
"Ma'm, I'm a lifeguard. You have my word that I wouldn't do something so cruel." Yuki said. "Now, please wait right here. I'll be back as soon as I can."
Without waiting for a response, Yuki turned her back on the woman, preparing to swim back to shore.