Puck then turns around to face you, and he gives you such a nasty and wild look, that you are paralyzed by fear.
"Lie your back against the wall", he says demandingly
You quickly look around and see an empty side of the port-a-potty, and hurriedly lay your back on the wall.
"Now sit down on the floor"
You rush to sit down on the floor, wondering what he's going to do. He turns around, now revealing his denim jeans, and the he hunches forward, making his butt look like a big bubble in front of you. You watch in disgust knowing that if you make any sound, you'll surely get into more trouble with him. His round butt stays in front of your face, for at least a minute, a smell of sweat hitting your nose. Then, in one quick move, he bounces his butt back and it hits your face, planting itself there.
"How does it feel to be sniffing my ass, you bitch"
You couldn't get any words out, except a murmur.
"What's that, you want more?" he says, "Alright, you little ass sniffer, you are going to love this"
He starts shaking his butt vigorously while pushing your face back. So, your face sinks deeper and deeper into his ass. If someone were to get a side view, your face would be half swallowed by his butt. Then the worse came next. After five minutes of your face buried in his butt, and you moving your hands and legs wildly, he decides to stop your struggles.
"Quit moving, bitch! You messed with Noah Puckerman, and if you do that, serious consequences will be faced."
But you kept struggling like a wild animal.
"Alright, you're going to get it now!"
You felt him straining a little, and then a fart exploded in your face. It stunk of musk, sweat and a little like shit. This however made you struggle more, but you were just going deeper into his muscle butt.
This made him upset, so he released another fart, followed by another into your face, smothering you even more. After a few more minutes of this stinky torture, he rested off your face. As he walked forth, you could see your face indented into his jeans, where it had been so tightly pressed. You wanted to gasp for fresh air, but there was none. All the air there was Pucks man stink.
"Time for the next lesson, bitch!", he said turning around