You enjoyed the sensation of cool water on your smooth, sensitive new skin. Sara's body is lithe and graceful, far more flexible and coordinated than your clunky old male body. You easily glide through the water, with Sara's reflexes instinctively making all the right motions for the various swim strokes.
“Being on the girls swim team will be easier than I thought,” you whisper to yourself.
Just then, you spot Sara, in your old body, stepping out wearing nothing but a pair of your black swim trunks. She looks skittish and nervous, the way she's clutching a towel over her bare chest where her breasts used to be. She's a fifteen-year old boy now, although her body language is still that of a thirteen-year old girl. She takes a few small, hesitant steps towards the pool.
“What's the matter, bro?” you tease. “Come on in, John! The water's fine.”
Still looking intensely uncomfortable, Sara finally puts down the towel and awkwardly clambers into the pool with a clumsy splash.
“Listen Sara, we've got to talk about something,” she says, swimming up to you.
“Sure, John,” you tell her. “You can share anything with me. What's troubling you?”
She looks around the pool nervously, to assure herself no one else is around to overhear your conversation.
“Are … Are you sure you're Sara?” she asks, with a quavering tremor in your old voice.
“I've told you like three times already!” you say with a feminine giggle. “I'm me and you're you. I'm Sara and you're John. What's going on anyhow?”
“It's that business with the fortune cookies,” she says. “You remember that?”
“That was just a dumb game,” you tell her. “People only switch bodies in lame movies.”
“Well, maybe nothing happened to you,” Sara says. “And I guess that's good. But … well, you have to swear you won't tell anyone about this.”
“I swear,” you solemnly say.
“I think I used to be you,” she says. “I know I'm supposed to be John. I have his body. I'm a guy and you're a girl. And if you say nothing happened … then … I don't know, Sara. I think I got somehow cursed so that your personality leaked into me. Because I don't know anything about being John. I only remember being Sara. It's like I'm a girl trapped in a boy's body. I just want to be a girl again … but I know I never was a girl. I've always been John, and only just now lost my memories or something. Please Sara, you've got to understand! You're me too, only you still have the right body at least.”
You look at your confused, blubbering sister making a ridiculous scene in your old body.
What to do, you think. What to do?