"Come on... please go back on!" You mumble to yourself as you press the oval that is your vagina, smooth side up, onto where it feel off from. When you do, you get an odd feeling similar to a suction cup stick to you between your legs, and instantly you know it's reattached... phew. Sure enough when you stop supporting it with your hand, your pussy doesn't go anywhere, attached to you just like has your whole life... well, almost. You can swear you feel a sort of... "give" to your private parts, and after some gentile testing, you find that you can peel your pussy right back off again!
Your breath catches when this happens, but as soon as you press it back it sticks again... and peels off again, after you scratch at the front of her a bit to get a flap to peel off, hmmm... Maybe you can do something more with this than just reattaching it to yourself?
You sit back down on your sheet-less bed and then try attaching your pussy to you hand... again it goes on without fanfare, and can still be detached just as easily, or at least its easy for you to get her back off, you're used to your lady bits, you figure any guy winding up with them or another pussy might have some trouble dealing with them. The thought of some guy getting stuck with a pussy makes you giggle.
As soon as your done laughing you stick her back on again... while it's great it comes back off, you'd really like it if there was someway you could dictate when it's able to, it wouldn't do to have your vagina suddenly slip off during class or on a run! So with that in mind, you try telling it stay stuck to you this time... and sure enough it complies! You feel that burst of suction again, stronger this time, and when you try peeling her off, you find that your pussy is cemented to your hand... err, hopefully a similar command will tell it to let go!
"Oh... um, let go, please!" You ask your pussy, you get an odd feeling in return, you sense that feeling of "give" come back, and sure enough Shhhrip! She peels off like a piece of tape, even kinda sounding like it too! "Oh good! It would have sucked to have permanently attached my pussy to my hand..." You briefly try to wonder what that would have been like, and quickly decide your really happy it came back off!
"Okay... so what haven't I done?" You look down at your female parts, it's weird seeing them from this angle, hmmm... oh! You've not seen if she'll attach to other things!
Will she? Bare in mind this will decide if other detachable genitals will be able to stick to either inanimate objects, or other people. So far you've already decided that detached penises and pussies will at least reattach to their owners, and can be ordered to stay attached at will, keep this in mind if you add to this, the only time they shouldn't from now on is under special circumstances, like magic.