The driver sits up straight and stares you in the eyes, silently daring you to back down, but you keep returning his stare with a steady glare… and after a moment the man smiles just a crack and nods his head in respect. “Well, looks like you’ve got some spine kid, that’s good, you passed the test.”
He pulls his phone out and your brochure and texts something to someone and nods. “So just a heads up, I’ve given your instructors your name, they’ll know you’ll be holding on to that:” He points at the prick hanging out of your pants and then at yours hanging off his dash. “and that, take your cock and balls back kid, and take a seat in the back, there’s tissue boxes in the backs of the seats in front of you if you want to play with your new cock and balls or your old one, or any of the other pricks belonging to any of your fellow boys with spines too, use them, I mean it, I hate cleaning cum stains off the upholstery!”
“Huh?” You ask, a bit dumbfounded.
“It’s a test to see how protective you are of your bits, and other things, basically you standing up to me sets you apart from most your peers, most young guys are too timid or freaked out about their dong and balls falling off to do so and let me just boss em’ around. Means they might let you lead your group of campers or be their assistant if you want, or even teach you some more advanced stuff early… just a heads up though you’ll have to surrender your dick to the bosses for a bit for real when you get there, they’ll explain why.”
You take your penis back off the dash and look down at his and frown. “You’re sure you just want me to have your junk? I’d never just give mine away to some kid I just met!”
The man grins, gets up, and grabs his crotch, showing he has a bulge, before he zips his jeans down and pulls down his boxers to reveal the cause, a near exact replica of the cock and balls attached to your groin, only they’re larger and… they exude something that you can’t see, smell, or even hear, but you can somehow feel: power. Somehow you immediately know that the set on the man’s groin is his real set and the one on yours is some sort of pale imitation.
“What the-“ you grab the copy package. “This is a clone?”
He smirks. “You catch on quick kid, it sure is, and…” he reaches into a bag next to him and pulls out another exact duplicate of the one on your groin and puts it on the dash. “I have a whole bunch more, and…” he snaps his fingers and something feels weird about the member on your groin… he points at it. “That’s not my problem any more.”
Before, you had a sort of sense that it wasn’t yours, something you chalked up to knowing it belonged to him. Now though, that sense is gone, and it feels like just another part of you.
“Now it’s your property, play with it as much as you like, wear it like a badge of honor- It’s all yours, I can’t feel it one bit anymore.”
“Okay…” you mumble. “How the hell do you clone your junk though, and how did you just give me that copy?”
“Not my place to tell you, your instructors will handle that, just accept it for now and do me a favor and go to the back of the bus and pull the curtain separating it and the front closed, I don’t want any of the other guys seeing you with your dongs unless they show some back bone of their own.
“Uh, alright, umm, thanks for the extra cock and balls.”
“No problem, now go on, take a seat!”
You take your stuff to the back and pull the curtain like he asked and take a seat and put your luggage away, then focus on your dongs, taking the new one off. Just like the old, you still feel it off of you… but when you hold the two side to side, something about your cock and balls feels… weightier, despite both being roughly the same size flaccid. Hmm, no it’s not weight so much as yours feels more important… god, this day just keeps getting stranger and stranger.
You wonder just how much weirder this is gonna get… before you shrug and play with your genitalia absentmindedly as the bus starts moving again, taking out a box of tissues as you attach the two back to back and lay them balls down on your lap and start jerking them off with both hands… eventually: