This choice: This time, she felt her body transform, further her humanity at risk. • Go Back...Chapter #5This time, she felt her body transform, further... by: Mr. George  This time, the beam crackled with brilliant red sparkles. Mirage felt her thoughts soften, her focus... her attention... thingy...
It became harder... impossible to think. She felt her breath billowing, the air heaving from her nostrils sending frosty white whorls into the air. Even that felt wrong, too obvious, too much. Bones cracked everywhere, her face erupted in pain, every joint shrieking in protest.
Squeezing her eyes closed against the pain, it felt like it was over in an instant. The cracks still undeniable, their cause still impossible to avoid. But now, as they reached her ears the pain was absent. Her ears were more flexible, more agile.
Blinking, once, twice. She couldn't see her transformed body. But she knew her humanity was gone, her hands and feet were dull, giving no clues, returning no sense of warmth, cold, softness of anything.
A long hank of platinum blond hair fell across her face, obscuring her vision further. She wanted to snarl her amusement, at this insult, keeping her blond while taking everything away. But she couldn't even form a snarl, her mouth beyond her control.
But that too was a clue. It helped her realise how wide her view was, how different things looked. The colours were duller, but she could see a much wider view than before. Something she hadn't realised until that lock of hair had fallen across her face.
Once more the beam cut off, releasing her. She tossed her head. That was weird, her neck was long and mobile. Then head snapping around she took in her broad back, the soft fur coat, leading down to her tail. She was a horse. A beautiful palomino mare.
She tried to swear, to speak. But her lips blubbered, and she nickered like the horse she truly was now.  |