You realize that if you don't comply things can possibly get worse, the weight of her soft ass cancels out your backbone, I must meet her demands or never see the light of day, even if I have to give my pride to her ass.
Angela softly speaks up "Don't be scared hun, just relax your face into my deep crack, give in to me its okay"
The thought of submitting to her humid booty made you sweat.
"Does your face feel good inside my cheeks?" She asks.
A few moments of silence goes by, your paniced breathing slighty reverberates through the room. She sighs and begins to arch her back.
You can see her thick red hair, a small ray of sunshine peeks through the curtain to light up her broad, pale, squishy back.
She turns to look at you, rotating her back. You can see her mellow skin gathering in ripples up to her shoulder. Her eyes gaze into yours, reflecting the suns glow.
You open your mouth but can't find the courage to speak, her beauty has you in a frightened trance.
She then quickly turns around, whips her long red hair and sqeezes your head with her feet, lifts her abundant cheeks and plants her mushy asshole inside your mouth.
You finally sound off and scream, but her ass completely absorbs your voice.
You kick and squirm until she pins your arms down. You try to inhale, your lungs start to hurt due to the suffocation, you've exhausted your energy, but her bung continues to seal your mouth. You can just feel the domination in the room, and start to sweat with constant fear and total humiliation. You continue to try to suck as hard as you can, applying a good amount of negative pressure to her ass.
You feel a grumbing but you niavely keep struggling and sucking on her wet ass in hope of oxygen, until you relieve her moist white buttcrack and she silently fills your mouth with gas.
You heave and cough but her heavy ass fights back, you have to forcefully blow out her fart under the pressure of her snug cheeks, but you manage to push it outward.
"Aww yes baby, blow bubbles. Its okay you don't need air, hold still." Giggles Angela
You start to temble and feel sick, you feel helpless at the mercy of her heavy speckled white booty as it engulfs you. Your face slowly digging deeper as both of your hot sweat combines into a slick.
"Shes walking all over me," you thought. "I gotta change the pace, redirect her attitude, otherwise this isn't gonna end up good for me."
She continues to straddle your face, closing you off from the outside world.
You begin to feel warm and hazy, the shortage of air is pushing you to a half asleep state of confusion and delirouisness, you start to slighly temble again but feel cozy.
You decide it is best to forfill her pleasure for your well being, although at this point you are completely comfortable with the desicion and doing so.
You begin to stick your tounge deep inside her wet ass, with her radaint warmth chasing your face.
"Oohh honey, I knew you wanted to taste a sweet peice of my cake. Tell me baby, does it taste rich?"
You respond by suckling on her asshole, sputtering on her funky sweat, she releases a long intoxicating fart and you feel a tense brace of unconciousness