"Brad! It's time for dinner!"
Brad closed the program and went downstairs.
"Something smells gre - oh my god...."
There was a sickening riiiip as the back of Vanessa's blouse burst open exposing her wide, powerful back muscles as she bent down to take the roast out of the oven. The tear did nothing to relieve any stress as her sleeves were slowly splitting open across her softball sized biceps and her huge breasts and thick pecs were creating half dollar sized gaps between the buttons of her blouse. And further down, Brad could clearly see her 8 pool-ball sized abdominal muscles jump ever so slightly with every breath.
"When did this skirt get so tight?" Vanessa muttered to herself. She then placed the baking pan on the counter and ripped open the sides of her skirt to make room for her beer keg sized quads. She was huge! The program had worked even better than anticipated. As she placed the pan on the table, Vanessa asked, "What was that exclamation all about?"
"What exclamation?"
"That," oh my god..""
"Oh! Uh, I was just surprised when I saw you."
"Why would seeing me surprise you, Bradley? Yes, I know I've been putting in some long hours at the office but I'm still the woman of this house and I DO remember how to cook for my family!"
"It's not the food. I'd just forgotten how amazing you look!"
"Alright smart-ass, what do you want and how much is it gonna cost me?"
"Cost you??"
"Yes. The only time you start throwing the compliments around is when you want something. So stop beating around the bush. What do you want?"
"I don't want anything. I'm just amazed that even after 3 kids, you're still one smokin' hot babe!!"
Vanessa blushed.
"Why thank you Bradley!!" It's nice to know that handsome, young men still find me hot!"
"Can I feel your bicep, mom?"
Vanessa's sleeve finally exploded in a shower of threads as her bicep expanded to its full 20 3/4 inch size.
"Wow mom. Still as hard as steel!"
"That's good to hear. I haven't been able to get to the gym like I wanted to so I had to settle for a few sets of bicep curls between meetings with the dumbbells under the desk in my office."
"Well it's obvious your guns haven't suffered any, mom."
"You trying to give me a swelled head, buster??"
"No!! I -"
Vanessa pulled her son close and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thanks for making my day. And fine, I'll increase your allowance to $75 a week. Don't tell your sister."
While she was putting out the rest of the food, she heard her husband's truck pull into the driveway.
"Brad? Would you mind finishing setting the table for me?"
"No problem, mom."
"Thanks sweetie."
She dashed into the downstairs bathroom as quickly as her powerful legs could carry her. She quickly fixed her hair and reapplied her lipstick. She then posed herself against the livingroom molding, opened the two top buttons of her blouse and thrust out her prodigious chest. Not that it needed any encouraging. Byron opened the front door and dropped his duffel bag on the floor.
"Hey gang, I'm home! Today was a real bitch.."
"Hey there stud..."
"And now it suddenly just got better!!"
Vanessa jumped into her husband's arms and wrapped her massive legs around his waist. Byron's knees buckled slightly and he grunted as he bore her weight.
"Good god Vanessa! It's like you get heavier every day I see you!!"
"Shut up and kiss me, you dumb jock asshole!!"
"Yes ma'am..."
Vanessa stuck her tongue down Byron's throat as he kicked the door shut. Their frantic, passionate movements caused Vanessa's blouse to disintegrate even further and Byron began reaching for her bra. Britney came downstairs and began gagging at the sight before her.
"For heaven's sake you two! Can't you do that upstairs??"
"You're grounded." Vanessa said from around her husband's lips."What? Why??"
"Wanna go for two weeks??"
"C'mon Vanessa, let my people go.."
Vanessa pulled back from him and said, "Wait a minute there PAL. You wouldn't HAVE these people if it weren't for me!!"
"You know what? You're right. You do some damn fine work there woman!!"
"Now I remember where Brad gets that silver tongue of his from..."
"Whaddya say??"
"Be thankful your king had mercy on you, peasant!!"
Britney rolled her eyes as she walked toward the kitchen and muttered, "Long live the king..."
"I'm gonna kick that little girl's ass one day, you know..."
"Now you won't, Vanessa. You love her too much. Now let's go eat that great smelling roast gets cold!!"
Vanessa let go of her husband, finished tearing off the rest of her blouse and put on his old college baseball jersey to join her family for dinner. While they were eating, Britney mentioned her upcoming ballet recital.
"Do you still want my help?" Vanessa asked.
"I thought you were mad at me?"
"Why? Because of what happened in the hallway? I'm not mad. Just don't try to get between me and my man again. Got it???"
'Scuse me..."
Vanessa laughed.
"So you're gonna help me then?"
"Of course sweetheart! I always have time for you!"
"Thanks mom."
"What about you, Brad? What have you been up to?"
"Not a whole lot Dad. Mom got me this universal organizer program today. I've been messing around with that."
"Sounds interesting."
"Sounds boring..." Keith added.
"It's pretty cool ______. Why don't you check it out?"