The cute Asian barista continues to mop and doesn't seem to notice you, as you creep back toward the women's restroom and push the door ajar enough to look in. It appears empty until the mirror's reflection shows you one of the two stall's is occupied. Pushing in as quiet as you can, you make for the remaining stall, closing the door behind you and waiting for the perfect moment to make your move. Thom's personality screams uncomfortably but you ignore him, focusing as the toilet flushes and the stall door opens a few moments later.
Claire crosses to the sink, washing her hands when you throw the door open and, with what pathetic athletics Thom has, spring toward her. Before you're even close, she's clocked you in the mirror and spun, a wet fist connecting with your throat. You recoil hard, banging against the edge of the stall and stumbling to the ground, now terrified the barista may have heard the commotion. Claire is now on top of you, your arm yanked behind as she holds you restrained,. You try to wriggle free, desperately trying to begin the process of absorption unsuccessfully when you feel the cold steel of her 9mm sidearm against your head.
"I'm having a real bad day, mister. Not the time to be getting handsy, now who do you work for?" You mutter an apology as her knee drops tighter on your neck "Who do you work for?! Did Rosenstein send you?", you feel lightheaded and figure you can distract her long enough with one word, "Ji...Jillian..."
Her grip loosens enough for you to push as much weight into her as you can, her sidearm sprawling away as she pushes back not realising it's too late. She attempts to lift her knee and your neck goes with it, already feeling that discomforting shifting of form as you reach up and pull the rest of her into you. The familiar warmth of flesh and matter reforming fills you throughout before you're pulling yourself up by the sink, Lt. Claire Briggs staring back at you with a flustered red face.
You bend to pick up the dropped side-arm, holstering it before turning to leave, greeted by the fearful face of Karen Allen. "What...the...f.." but you've ran at her, slamming her against the wall, "I'm sorry! You weren't meant to see that..." and her muffled screams die out as your body expands around her, as she impossibly vanishes within.
Your head is pounding, both Allen's contained somewhere in your mass, Thom's personality screaming out as Karen berates, and your Claire attempting to take control of the situation as your own feels lost. It's too much to contain in one head as the Asian barista pops her head in. "Is everything OK? I thought I heard someone fall?", shocked when Karen's accent comes out of Claire's mouth "It's fine! Gimme some privacy!" before apologising like Thom would, shifting uncomfortably fixing your suit.
You feel like you need to vomit, but you're worried what shape and size it will be as you instead focus up, trying to push everyone's voice down and stumble out of the bathroom. Claire's ego fights your suppression, wanting her bag as Karin follows suit. "Shut up!" you scream, the barista jumping before you again apologise sliding by her. With some effort you make it to Claire's table, grabbing her bag before scooping up Karin's and leaving the coffee shop, spying Karin's SUV and making for it.
Karin warns you not to as you fetch the keys from her bag with a grin, sliding into the driver seat as Thom repeats their home address. With not much of a plan and three peoples thoughts fighting you, you relent and make for the Allen's home, the journey only a five minute drive.
You've barely unlocked the door when you collapse onto their hall floor, a wet mass of goo trying your best to focus on the forms inside of you as you sense Thom being ejected, before Claire questions what you are as you shoot Karin out. Finally thankful for some quiet, one mind retained and restrained to only when you need it, you feel yourself reform, sitting up on the floor in Claire's off-duty skirt and blazer, Thom and Karin a short distance away coming too again.
Thom's voice shakes as he asks "What just happened?" and Karin eyes you. "You! Give it back!" Your brow wrinkles as you stand, "Give what back?" in a broadly New York accent as you glance around the house, recognising everything, memories of you and Thom and the kids...oh no. "My body, give it back!" Karin's body cries as you realise you've ejected Claire's mind with Karin's form. You had no idea that was possible, once again the depth of your power fascinating you.