It didn't take long for the results of her experiment to make itself known to the twin-tail Magus.
A feeling hits the girl's mind, a feeling that washes over her body as the signals nearly overwhelm her senses. She was hot, she was cold. She was big, she was small. She was heavy, she was light. Up, down. Left, right. Positive, negative. Contradicting signals run through as she struggles to even maintain her balance.
The fact that all she's experiencing is nausea and a sense of vertigo is probably a good sign a part of her noted.
"Crap...not, good." The girl mutters to herself as she holds up her head in one hand and grabs a nearby table for balance with the other. Her legs quiver under the imaginary stress from Root knows where. Normally such experiences would drive the average man into a sense of madness, but she was not average (Average One, yes, but not average). She is Tohsaka Rin, head to the Tohsaka line of Magi, an exceptional Magus in her right, and she will not let some sort of messed up experiment simply do her in.
Do her in, no way. Make her feel like what it means to have a hangover, that's a big, fat, maybe.
Despite the urge to just fall over to the ground and gain a stable bearing, Rin focuses all her attention to stay up and thinking of whatever her is going on with her. She already knows that her experiment has done something to her, what it is she does not know. Whatever it is, she doesn't like it, not at all. It's an unknown variable, and she loathes them with a fiery passion. An unknown variable can either all she ends up getting is a sinking feeling in her stomach for a period of time, or she might end up dead. As much as she understand that "To be a magus is to walk with death", she has no intention to go down due to single mistake, she won't be able to live it down.
"Come on Rin, you're better than this." She grips the edge of the table like her life depended on it, "You've been through worser scraps than this. Don't let this bring you down." She grits her teeth, already she can feel the dizziness receding bit by bit. She could almost bring herself to smile to her perseverance. Almost being the key word. As she soon starts regaining her balance a new feeling starts building up.
Or a feeling that could only be best described as bloated. Like something that is building up insider her body. Not air, not fat, just...something. Confused she places a hand on her stomach as if to calm it somewhat.
Her eyes soon widen when she feels something building underneath her fingers. Building up and out. Her skin turns slightly pale as she looks down at what her hand is on, and turns even whiter to see why.
Beneath the red fabric of her favorite sweater, a bulge, present and unfortunately growing, is there where her once trim stomach was. No the bulge didn't replace her stomach, the bulge IS her stomach. If the logical part of her mind can draw up a conclusion, she can guesstimate that her stomach is about the size of a volleyball. Well it would, if she wasn't summarizing and handling the situation with the elegance of a Magus of her caliber can bring.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME?!" Rin shrieks to all the high heavens. Her earlier sense of nausea completely pushed aside from shock over her new "look", it soon turns into dread to see that the condition is spreading. She can already feel the same bloating feeling reach both her chest and rear end, and also start to show signs of growing. She can see her breasts slowly start to gain cup size after cup size, straining the bra she already has on and can feel her center of gravity shift over. As for her lower figure, she did not look, but can already feel her posterior and hips balloon out, her apathetic side noted that her ass has already grown about three times it size, growing at a faster rate than her boobs.
With all the chaos going on in her body, Rin could only mutter one thought.
"Murphy's Law, thou art a heartless thing."