Gallade:take this communicator, that way we'll be able to keep in touch
Alex: okay father,
you go up and hug Gallade, Gardevoir, and kirlia
Kirlia:come back soon
Alex:i will
as you leave you realize Gardevoir (your mother) is crying
Alex: it'll be alright mother, as i said, i'll be back christmas morning,
Gardevoir:we'll miss you,
Alex:i know,
Gardevoir:i hope you find the asnwer your looking for,
Gallade:go gettim' tiger
Alex:yes father
and on that note, you leave, to find your grandfather, he'll know,
3 months has past and you have made countless friends,
a wartortle, an absol, and a ledian.
Alex:wow, i wonder how my family is doing back at home,
Wartortle:call them on the communicator,
Alex:i broke it trying to save you from that flock of fearow,
Wartortle:i forgot,
Ledian:wait, if you were raised by a family of psychc pokemon,
doesnt that mean that you can talk to them telepathically?
Alex:my father didnt teach me that yet, all i know is to teleport, and use psychc
Absol:what did you say your grandfather's house look like?
Alex:its blue, with a white roof,
Ledian:isnt that it?
as you look you see your grandfather with his skarmory on the porch
Grandfather:Alex? is that you?
Skarmory:yes it is its him
Alex:tell me, did our family do anything to get cursed by any chance?
Grandfather:yes, you see, my brother, your uncle, had a marowak when he was young,
they were the the greatest friends, then when she had her baby cubone, team rocket tried to get the skull it wears,
and in the mission, marowak was killed, my brother was so sad that day, 3 years has past since that day and he
became the mayor of lavender town since mr. fuji past away, and he decided to build a radio tower since johto
had a radio tower, so he demolished the pokemon tower, then marowak cursed our family for their offspring to
suffer in the worst way, he didnt believe it, but he died whem his house was being robbed by team rocket, he killed
him, his wife, his daughter, and his cubone, leaving our nephiew left to suffer the fact that he saw his parents death
and couldnt do a thing about it, and the same had happened to you, but tell me, where have you been living?
Alex:i have been living with a Gardevoir, Gallade, and a Kirlia
Grandfather:and who are your firends?
Alex:this is wartortle
Alex:and absol
Grandfather:okay, how long did it take you to get here?
Alex:about 4 months,
Grandfather:wow, shouldnt you go home Alex? its 2morrow is christmas,
Alex, i know, but i can teleport, its cool,
Grandfather:i'll keep your friends here so i have other company
Alex used teleport
the next morning
Gardevoir:where is he?
Gallade:his communicator hasnt responded
Kirlia:i she dead?
you walk through the door
Alex:not quite yet,
all gasped in surprisement
gardevoir runs up to you in tears hugging you
Gardevoir:god i was worried about you!
Gallade:welcome home son,
Alex:its good to be home, and how could i forget my little sister?
you pick her up and hug her
Kirlia:i missed you
Alex: same here, i figured out why my parents died,
Alex:have you heard about the rumored curse of the dead marowak?
Alex:its true, my uncle was the one who gave my family the curse,
honestly, i have no clue how to break it,
Gardevoir:cursed or not, you are Alex voir, our son,
Alex:thnx mom,
Gallade:so, how 'bout we pick up where we left off 2morrow,
Alex:sounds great,
3 years later.......