Tails the Fox had aquired the green Chaos Emerald. That was one week ago, and he'd managed to test it out quite a bit, tinkering and researching with it.
But today it had yet again changed hands.
Roige had dropped by Tails' place to convince her old friend to 'lend out' tge emerald to her.
Rouge was quite the negotiator, and with ease managed to convince Tails to a 'trade of sorts.
Rouge was alone, walking home from Tails' house with the emerald in her hand, repeating the stuff in her head about Tails' research on chaos control he had told her as part of their 'agreement.'
Rouge's mind was going wild thinking about the new possibilities this knowledge presented. All through using the emerald.
Rouge was going to alter her body using the emerald, and possibly other girls who'd encounter her.
But Rouge's plan was to try this out in secrecy, at least at first. The best place she could think of to so would be in the nearby forest.
Before long, Rouge finally came to a spot she thought was hidden enough.
"Okay now." Rouge focused, clenching the emerald in her hand; "C'mon boobies... Let's see these twins alot bigger, hmm?" Rouge thought aloud.
She focused again, holding the emerald upwards, as she yelled; "CHAOS... CONTROL!!"
Rouge anticipated if this spell really would work. And as a the moment passed, Rouge sadly felt nothing change.
"What did I do wrong?" She thought.
"CHAOS... GROW~!!" She commanded this time, moaning slightly when she said 'grow.' Her mind visualised her boobs growing, wishing and thinking with all her heart.
The 'Chaos Grow' spell worked.
Rouge saw the green emerald of hers shining with a light green glow, as it began to spin around and levitate above her hand.
Rouge looked down at her exposed cleavage with delight.
Both if her breasts were indiviually swelling up in size, wobbling around inside her clothing.
"Oh how wonderful~!" Rouge told herself as she felt her busom stretch her clothing slightly.
Rouge usee her mind to command the emerald to also make her clothes stretch out with her growing... For now.
And that it did, growing outward to accomodate the bazongas who already spilled out the top of her cleavage window.
Rouge moaned at the pleasure of her breasts stretching the insides of her clothing, as the swelling kept on going, jiggling as they went.
The emerald was hovering in front of her, so Rouge placed her hands under her growing bust. The were big, but not that big.
Atleast yet.
Rouge used her hands to hold both tits up from underneath, and she made them wobble slightly.
They were both alot jigglier than before, as the ripples of her hands continued wobbling sent chills down Rouge's spine.
Rouge realised that the clothing covering her boobs was in fact growing slightly slower than her boobs did, as slot oh her boobs was spilled out the top and to the sides.
Rouge loved the sensation of her clothing stretching against her tits. And the thought that they'd rip her clothing apart if they got huge enough was alluring to her.
Rouge continued holding her boobs up with her hands.
They weighed quite a bit now at this size, her big pair of watermelons jutting out from her torso, steadily swelling up in size.
The weight wasn't a problem for Rouge... Atleadt yet. (She knew a spell to make them weigh less in case she couldn't walk)
Now, using her mind Rouge canceled the spell.
The emerald still spun around and hovered above her as the glowing stopped.
Rouge stared down her endlessly huge cleavage, hypnotized by its beauty and overjoyed with the 'Chaos Grow'-spells effect on her.
Rouge let her hands feel around her huge boobs. She could still reach around the front of them.
Rouge had her fingers draw circles around where her now increasingly sensitive nipples were.
Rouge then went and massaged her boobs with her hands; "Oh, they feel amazing~" Rouge said with a smile, still massaging her own hugeness.
What happened next...?