"GAAAAH" A Nidoking is shielding his face from the two of them and seems to be shivering in fear. "What are you doing, just staring at us, you could have been a predator, than you really would have got it!" Jack was feeling extremely bold today, but more or less pissed off, so speaking to a big pokemon like this was nerve wracking for him. "I-Im sorry, i was just watching to make sure it was safe to leave my hiding spot..."
"Your hiding spot?" Jack hadn't really realized it till now, but he was screaming at a full grown pokemon, let alone one that could devour him and his brother in a single meal, he decided to be more calm from then on, but then, he also realized how silly it was for this type of pokemon to be scared at all."I-Im sorry, i've just een really high strung.. the names Jack, whats yours. The nidoking hesitantly stared at the Charmander and then to his Charmeleon colleuge. "Lilac" you stared at him "Yeah, i know, it sounds like a girl, thats most of the reason i got picked on as a kid. . thus my shy and timid nature...i-im sorry i was spying on you two, if you think thats what i was doing...
"No, no, its alright im just a little frustrated right now, don't ask." He looked at you with a relaxed expression. "Okay" he glanced over to Kael, and a worried look over came his face "Hes, hes INFECTED!, GAH!" The charmeleon who was acting quite calm was now staring at the Lilac and growling with a menacing stare. The Nidoking looked as if he was going to run away, Jack noticed and tried to calm the ridiculously frightened guy.
"HEY, HEY, its okay, hes my brother." He started only to be inturrupted by a "BUT HES FREAKING INFECTED!" Jack gritted his teeth and was more than willing to take the muzzle off to Kael teach him a few lessons "I KNOW that, but ive coaxed him enough to be tamer around me... i think, but i have the muzzle on him and his hands are bound, so nothing to fret about." He clutched the rope holding him less, and sighed looking to the ground, "Look, im traveling alot, and it would be nice to have more company, but if your gonna act all scared like this, you'll be more of a nuicence than a help."
The nidoking looked down, almost a defeated look, but then straightened his brow and looked straight at you, "No, im gonna be tough for once, no more sissy stuff, and if anything tries to hurt you or your brother, i'll stop it!" Jack looked back into his face with a grin, "That's the spirit, now come on we gotta go find a cure!"
It had been quite a while since Lilac joined you, he started out strong but after a while he just seemed to have that same defeated look on him. Jack couldn't take it anymore; "Hey, whats your issue, at first i thought you wanted to come along, but now it looks like a big moping lump of purple." The Nidoking started to tear, and Jack realized he was being too hard on the big guy "I-im sorry, i just thought that-" "No, its alright, i am a big baby after all. This is all too much for me, first my friends get eaten and im accused for it, then i'm looking like the monster, then everbody else starts trying to bite me, a few nipping me too, i just don't wanna be alive anymore." Jack had empathy towards him "I know how you feel, my whole village was infected, i'm lucky i'm still alive...wait, did you say you got nipped a couple of times?" Jack pondered the thought, if he had gotten bit, shouldn't he be like his brother? "Um..*sniff* yeah... but i don't wanna show you.." "Lilac, please it's important, i need to know if you'll be okay" he stood there for a moment, crossed arms not directly looking at him but then sighed deeply "Okay, but it ain't gonna be pretty"
With that he began to turn around. When his back was fully facing you he started to bend over. Jack was getting confused, was he showing his bite or his bark? His tail started to lift and when it was fully lifted Jack was staring at two plump cheeks, with a tiny gash starting at his crack "Well... that's not, eherm, so bad." He couldnt help but blush, it was as if Lilac was presenting himself. "Oh, it gets worse." He took both his hands and placed them on his cheeks then slowly spread them apart, giving jack the full view of his behind; low hanging balls flopped out and his dick followed, along with a view of the Nidokings tailhole. The gash led almost down to the back of his scrotum, across the area between. Thankfully nothing looked too painfull.
Jack had to hold his own erection in, his brother sometimes 'played' with him when they were going through a horny stage. "So, uhh *cough* how did this happen, again..?" Lilac sniffled and then returned his cheecks back, them flinging back with an audible smack. "I..i fell on another pokemon... well sat more like. It was when i was getting attacked by a pack of infected Growlithes, one was aiming to trip me up from behind... but he ended up tripping into my behind. He got a good solid bite." Jack came too his senses, this guy must have some sort of immunity, i guess i should take a closer look at that... later, geez that'll be awkward.
Lilac stood there, tail back down over his exposed rear end and holding his hand togethor in shame. The silence was stopped by a loud grumbling from the nidokings stomach. "Well, i guess you need to eat... as long as all of us do, man what am i gonna feed my brother." As son as Jack thought that -