This choice: A few months later, Fluttershy's belly is getting much larger! • Go Back...Chapter #10Like mother, like daughter... by: Godot  The door of the Ponyville hospital bursts open and a team of doctors rush into the halls with your beloved wife on a gurney. The nurses struggled to push her oversized flank; her belly protrudes upwards like a great big marshmallow peep. It's not just the pregnancy that has bloated little Fluttershy so. On top of the cravings a foal would normally cause in a pony, the poor darling also took up eating to calm the stress of having to live with such an aggressive pony as yourself. Not that you minded of course, it just meant more cushion for the pushin'. In fact that was another cause of her bloated belly; your constant gutfuckings have made it so there's at least two pints of semen in her system at any given time. You had to take up anal for the past few months too, so as not to harm the little darling baby in her womb. Fluttershy won't be walking properly for some time.
But in the grand scope of things this all pale in comparison to what's happening right here and right now. You're standing beside your precious wife as they rush her in to the operating room to deliver your bundle of joy. To think, you get to experience the miracle of birth without any of the uncomfortable stretching or pains. You should have grown a dick and knocked up a mare years ago!
The group makes a hard left and the doctors usher Fluttershy, who is currently panting and contracting in agony, into the room where she is to give birth. You side up against her and hold her hoof in what has to be the nicest gesture you've granted her in weeks. She looks up to you for reassurance, but the pain forces her eyes away from you and her pretty face scrunches up. She's panting harder now and the doctor in front of her legs prepares for the worst.
"Don't worry Fluttershy," you rub her mane with one hoof, "I've got you"
"I love-" She has to stop for breath. The pain must be unimaginable. "I love yoooouwaaah!"
Her shriek nearly shatters your eardrums, the only thing that makes it worse is that you're right beside her. Some of the nurses nearby cover their ears with both hooves and cringe at the earsplitting cry. The surgeon isn't fazed, though; his steely eyes are focused on the contracting cunt of your wife and his only thoughts are on delivering this foal into the world. Fluttershy pushes with all her might and the doctor cries out,
"I can see the head miss Fluttershy!
You look between her legs, you can see the baby's head emerging from between her haunches. The adorable little thing is coated in blood, and yet it's still the cutest thing you've seen since... Since you first violated Fluttershy. Whoah nelly! Can't go getting a stiffy while your wfie's giving birth, now can you? Fluttershy gives a heaving push and you can hear a loud POP as the newborn foal is thrust from Fluttershy's legs and into the awaiting hooves of the doctor. He very quickly passes the baby to the nurse nearby, who wraps her in a small blanket.
"Wait, hold on!" The doctor didn't look away from Fluttershy's gasping snatch. "I believe you're having twins! Hold strong Miss Fluttershy, take deep breaths!"
She bucks forward and nearly knocks the doctor flat on his ass as she struggles to shove the baby out from her loins. Every fiber of your beloved's being is wracked with the ungodly pain of bearing your second child. You don't think even your cock has stressed her this much. You squeeze her hoof to remind her that you're still there. Fluttershy gives you a weak smile before screaming out again. She's putting her all into it now, taking deeper breaths and using every ounce of her being to force this last clinging child from her body. The nurse wipes some sweat from the doctor's brow. His hooves extended, he catches the baby as it's pushed out with one last shove from Fluttershy's vaginal muscles. One last audible snap and all the tension releases from Fluttershy's body. She collapses back onto her pillow and nearly passes out from the relief.
"Did... Did I do it?" She manages to say.
You peck her on the forehead and tell her, "Yes. Yes you did, love."
Your smile infects her, the kindness that is suddenly surging up inside of you overwhelms her. Nothing could break you from her side, except-
"Doctor! Do you see this? This one here!" The nurse holding your baby looks terribly shocked. She's holding the first baby, a cream colored pegasus foal with a glistering orange mane. You don't see what's wrong with her...
"Yes, Nurse Redheart, I'm afraid this one is the exact same. I've never seen anything like it in my life." The doctor is holding your second born. This one is a pegasus too, she's banana yellow and her mane is streaked with purple and pink hues. But still, you can't see any problem with this foal aside from it being too cute for words. The doctor shakes his head sadly and holds the foal up for you and Fluttershy to see. He gestures with his head toward the nurse to ask her to do the same. You still don't-
Oh dear. The doctor unfurls the blanket from your baby girl and you see that she's not quite a girl. Hanging between the yellow foal's legs is a black horsecock six inches in length, perversely large for a newborn. The nurse unwraps the cream colored one as well, she's sporting one even larger, seven inches if you'd hazard a guess. The doctor turns to the nurse and nods, then the two of them brush aside your babies' cocks. Behind the monstrous members are a pair of petite, infantile netherlips.
"Hermaphrodites," The doctor states the obvious, "Both of them. I might need to run tests, but it would appear that both of their 'equipment sets' are fully functional. Usually in these cases we cut one of the organs off, but they seem to pose no actual health threats so it's entirely up to you two."
You look over to Fluttershy and see that her eyes are the size of dinner plates. You give her a soft nudge on the shoulder to remind her where she is, but Fluttershy panics at your touch and faints with a soft yelp. You look to the doctor and your two lovely foals. The babes are so innocent looking and docile that they're not even crying. It's like they're too confused as to why they're being stared at to be afraid of the strange world around them.
"I...I... I want to keep them this way. I think Fluttershy would agree with me."
"I see..." The doctor seems unsure, but it's your decision. "Then I will ensure that they are taken care of. All that remains is their names."
They pass both of your children to you and your eyes pass from one child's shining face to the other. It's as if you knew their names since the moment you made love to Fluttershy. No, sooner, since you first saw your love.
"I want to call you," You nuzzle your nose against the yellow foal, "Banana Surprise and," You go to do the same to the other foal, but she honks your nose before you can get close and you giggle with her, "I'll call you Cinnamon Creamer."
You settled down after that, Fluttershy too. The babies changed both of you. You, for once, stopped abusing Fluttershy. You treated her like your wife and your love and gave her all the adoration she could ever want. Not to say you still didn't get a little rough in the bedroom, of course. Being a mother was second nature to Fluttershy, but at the same time she became more confident, especially when it came to controlling your especially horny daughters.
Speaking of your daughters, they follow in your hoofsteps much better than you could have hoped. Banana Surprise lived up to her name, and had quite a life of tormenting stallions her age. She would entice them or play the helpless rape victim, then when those naughty boys thought they'd get to stick it into her- Well, surprise!
Cinnamon Creamer also lived up to her name, but in a different sort of way. From a young age, she learned her bulbous futa-balls could produce an incredible amount of spunk. She made an incredible living supplying mares with her fertile seed. This had the delightful little side-effect of making your hermaphrodite gene much more common. Not every birth she donated to became a futanari, but, well, let's just say that Ponyville became much more interesting.
As much as I'd love to go into these stories, they're not the story we came here to tell. The story of Orange Swirl and Fluttershy, however, has come to an end. So I suppose the only thing left to say is... |
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