At first, Tom had no idea what he was going to do while his little buff brother was lifting weights in the gym. So, he just put on his walking shoes, and started walking. He figured he might as well walk towards the same gym where Jake worked out, which was right down the street from their house anyway.
While Tom was walking down the street, he spotted another kid, wearing a soccer uniform. He recognized the kid since he was about Jake’s age and he attended the same class as his little brother.
“Hey!” Tom said to the boy, who was wearing his black cleats, red shorts, red soccer socks and red jersey. Clearly, the boy was just coming home from soccer practice.
“Hi! Is Jake home?” the boy, whose name was Kyle, asked him.
“He’ll be home in a little bit. He’s working out at the gym right now. I’m going to get him now!” Tom explained to the soccer player. “You should lift weights with him!”
“Me? I guess… But, I’m probably too small and too skinny to be allowed to lift weights with Jake. I’m not as big as him!” Kyle responded, with a bit of shame.
Kyle then continued to walk past Tom, but Tom stopped and turned around, pulling the wand out of his pocket.
“Hey, Kyle!” he shouted.
The shy soccer player turned around and walked towards the tall, thin high school student.
“What’s up?”
“You’re gonna be one big, muscular soccer player!” Tom whispered.
“Huh?” Kyle wondered.
Then Tom held the wand in his right hand, just in front of his chest, before lowering the tip of the wand so that the tip was pointing right at the soccer player’s chest.
A light blue stream of light emitted from the tip of the wand, striking Kyle dead center in his red soccer jersey. Immediately, his muscles started to grow! Kyle’s headed tilted backwards and the boy closed his eyes while he clenched his fists and flexed his arms.
“Ohhhh man… What is that? Uhhhhh!!!!” Kyle groaned, as he was overcome by an intense feeling of power as every muscle in his body began to inflate all at once! The boy felt an amazing surge of superhuman physical strength blast through his body like he had never felt before!
His calves and his thighs instantly bulged out from his legs, thickening and widening into enormous mounds of rock-hard slabs of muscle, totally unseen or unheard of for an eight-year-old boy! His calves practically exploded with muscle, inflating to insane properties as they grew to the size of lemons, sticking out from the back of Kyle’s legs like huge round balls of muscle which were harder than rocks!
Next, his thighs inflated and became too thick and so wide, that they were even wider than his torso! The slabs and layers of muscle which formed above his knees were so thick, that his soccer shorts began to tear by the seams. Thick veins that were as big as jump ropes formed over his thighs, covering his legs like the legs of an Olympic bodybuilder!
“What… the… heck?” Kyle groaned, feeling an incredible amount of physical strength coursing through his legs as the wand’s muscle-increasing power crept up his body from his legs to his torso. “I’m… getting… STRONG!”
Kyle’s flat stomach turned into a landscape of massive abdominals which looked like deep rows and columns of tiles, neatly placed side by side and with deep lines between them. He developed a twelve-pack set of abs that was just amazing! The same counted for his pectorals, which inflated like two huge, round medicine balls that were as hard as bowling balls, and sticking out in front of his chest by eight inches, making his shoulders incredibly deep and wide! His arms were sticking out from his shoulders and hanging from a forty-five degree angle, due to the soccer-ball-sized biceps and triceps which had formed on them. His massive lats and titanic delts surrounded his neck on both sides, making his neck seem as wide as that of a raging bull. Truly, the boy was about to burst out of his soccer jersey!
Finally, when Tom noticed that the growth had stopped, he realized that Kyle had maxed out. He gently pulled back the wand, and allowed the flow of magic to cease, leaving a very muscular soccer player standing before him.
Kyle opened his eyes and stared at Tom for a moment.
“Hey… Is Jake still at the gym?” Kyle said, as he walked over to Tom with a slight swagger. His shyness had all but disappeared, now that he had gained over a hundred pounds of muscle!
“Umm… Yeah!” Tom replied, as he looked down at the incredibly muscular boy, who looked like he was about to burst out of his soccer uniform with his enormous muscles. “I’m going to get him right now!”
“Oh, cool! Please… Please ask Jake to call me? I want to work out with him tomorrow… I had to miss the workout since I had soccer today… But I want to lift weights tomorrow!” Kyle asked him politely.
“Sure thing, Kyle! So, are you doing okay?”
“Oh yeah!” Kyle beamed, as he made a fist and flexed his arm, allowing a huge ball of muscle to form on his right arm that was even bigger than Tom’s fist! “Check out my guns!”
“Wow! That’s quite some muscle you got there!” Tom grinned, running his hand over Kyle’s mighty 20-inch bicep. “You must be really strong!”
“The strongest kid in school… After Jake, of course!”
“I’ll tell him that!” Tom grinned. “Well, I’d better go, or else we’ll be late coming home for dinner!”
“See ya, Tom!”
“Bye, Kyle!” Tom said, as he waved at the muscular soccer boy.
Tom couldn’t help but smile as he watched Kyle walk up to the front door of his house. He loved how the wand made his muscles grow! And he got better at using the wand and spotting when the “victim” had reached the point of maximum growth! There was no way Kyle could have gotten any bigger, and he ended up looking great!
Tom looked forward to picking up Jake and to planning what he would do with the wand the following day.