"Really, you should consider accessorizing. I have the loveliest blue pearl earrings that would go excellent with a nice summer dress."
"Thanks, but maybe I'll hold off..." Twilight sat and talked with Rarity, looking occasionally at the remains of their lunch. The picnic had gone rather swimmingly, but Twilight should have expected Rarity to pack light. The unicorn ate like a mouse, and the salad she had offered Twilight was a far cry from the country food and pastries Twilight had indulged in so recently. Still, she wasn't going to be rude and cut their conversation short because of her appetite. She tried to tell herself she should be eating more like Rarity anyway.
"Well, it's entirely up to you of course. But do come by, we could have such fun." Rarity ended with, need I say it, a quick flutter of her eyelashes. Twilight nodded, taking the signal that they were finishing up here anyway. Sure enough, Rarity stood up, and Twilight quickly followed.
"This has been marvelous dear, I'll be sure to invite you again." Rarity said, packing up everything quickly with the aid of her magic. Twilight smiled at her, rather glad she had come along.
"Well, thanks for inviting me. And thanks for the advice."
"Don't even worry about it dear. And remember, come by whenever you can." With that, she and Rarity began to walk their separate ways. Twilight originally intended to head straight back home, get back to her studying, but her belly complained at her. A salad was a palette cleanser, not a meal, and it was now well past her lunch time. Twilight frowned. When had she last even eaten a salad before today? She knew she wasn't going to be able to focus on her studies with this in the way, so decided to pick something light up on the way. Luckily, there was a sandwich shop Twilight favored on the way. The pony running it reminded her a lot of pony joe, from the doughnut shop, a kind of big fellow whose face just invited you to sit and wile away the hours with him. Of course, it also did pick-up and ordering out. She entered the shop, finding herself lucky as there was no line for this time of day
"Goodday Twilight." The stallion at the counter greeted her by name, a personal touch she liked. "The usual I presume."
"Yes plea- I, I mean..." Twilight was too late, he had already turned away to prepare the meal. She had answered the question automatically, realizing that quite the routine had developed between them here. Suddenly, the fact that she was known by name, had a regular meal, and knew that meal was too big for a "light lunch" all came to Twilight. Her ears flattened in shame. Too awkward to ask the stallion to stop after she had gone and answered like that, Twilight swore to herself she'd eat a little and give the rest to Spike. The sandwich in question was a big sub stuffed with every type of flower and diced vegetable under the sun, with enough salad dressing to drown a chicken in. Of course, Twilight thought to herself, she had eaten this pretty regularly and not put on more then ten pounds in a few months, so perhaps she was overreacting. Perhaps. The large order of hay fries were a little much however.
Paying for her sandwich, Twilight left the sandwich shop in a hurry, still feeling rather ashamed. The more she looked at it, the worse her eating habits actually were. Yet... she had gotten through several months living here and was barely any worse for wear. Probably a combination of a good metabolism and all the energy magic took, now that she thought to herself. And it wasn't like she wanted to diet, in fact the idea seemed rather unappealing overall. But that left her entirely unsure what to do from here on out.
Right now, her stomach reminded her, she needed to eat, one way or another. She made it home, finding the library empty. Spike was probably off chasing down unreturned books or something; Twilight gave him a fair bit of autonomy these days so long as he finished his chores. Slave labor wasn't easy to come by after all. So she sat herself back down in front of her book, unwrapped the brown bag her sandwich was in, and got back to studying.
Over the course of the next half hour, Twilight once again slipped into a bad routine. She munched as she studied, her mind not even on the food she was putting in her mouth. Little had she realized how very much her stomach took over once her brain was occupied elsewhere. She completely forgot her promise to herself, and downed every bite of the sandwich and the fries as well. The fullness that came afterwards also went unnoticed, except for a general feeling of content Twilight had found more common recently. Most of her afternoon came and went, and by dinner time she had forgotten most of her concerns. For once Spike actually cooked, rather than ordering out, so Twilight went to bed feeling okay about herself overall. It wasn't until the next day that she even remembered Rarity's offer for some new clothes, and why she needed new clothes to begin with. Twilight decided she...