Outside Spike was still chuckling to himself about the little joke he had made to his friend's new girth. "Hehe, ah Spike you still got it." Then Spike realized he hadn't brought any bits with him and made a quick trip back to the library to fetch a large bag of bits the two kept usually for emergencies, well in Twilight's current state and odd hunger this was an emergency to her.
"Alright, what would Twilight like..." He said eying the various stands and carts of food surrounding him. "Hmm she'll probably eat anything I give her... I wonder why she's so hungry anyway, maybe that spell had something to do with it..." Said as he made his way to a carrot stand. "Hi Carrot Top, how are the carrots today?" Spike greeted to the orange maned pony, gripping onto the edge of the cart. "Oh hi Spike, carrots are doing fine, in fact they've been growing very well these pasts few days. What'cha doing here today?" the mare said wiping some dust off the cart with a rag. "Oh...just getting food for Twilight." "Care to buy some carrots?" Carrot Top said smiling cheerfully. "Sure..." Spike squinted his eyes to think of how much he should buy. "Hmm gimme 20 carrots please. "20 carrots?! That's quite a lot, what do you two need all these carrots for?" Carrot said handing the dragon a bundle of carrots. "Emm its....complicated, thanks for the carrots Carrot Top!" Spike said handing the correct amount of bits to the pony. "Alright see ya later Spike!"
A few minutes later Spike had bought 10 daffodil sandwiches and 30 turnips, with about 200 bits left out of the 500 he started with. Thinking to himself that he had gotten more than enough to satisfy Twilight and even feed himself, that was until he smelled an amazing aroma coming from Sugarcube Corner. "Mmmh what's that smell?" Spike said licking his lips, as the smell began to carry him through the air into the bakery. He then bumped into the body of the hyper pony Pinkie Pie, "Ahh! oh hey Pinkie." Spike said rubbing his head after hitting her. Being the cheery, happy pony she was Pinkie Pie, she giggled at the humorous event and greeted her friend. "*giggle* Hi Spike! Oh what'cha dong with all those goodies?" She said peering behind him at the bags he was holding. "Are you having a party, cause I love parties! I mean you got dancing and games and music and food. Who couldn't like that?!" Pinkie Pie said once again talking up a storm from almost nothing.
"Huh, actually this stuff is for Twilight." Hearing this Pinkie became slightly confused, "Twilight? what does she need all this stuff for? Is she saving up for winter?" Pinkie said despite them being in the middle of summer. "Well no, she's...hungry." Spike said, weary of revealing Twilight's current status. "Hungry? But didn't you two just eat an hour ago?" Surprised by this, Spike replied, "How did you?...ergh never mind, she's just really hungry." "Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie whimsically replied back, then she remembered something. "Oh what did you come in here for anyway?" "Oh uhh...I smelled something delicious in here..." Spike said, sniffing the air with his snout. "Ohhhhh well are ya gonna buy something Spike?" Pinkie said bouncing giddily. "Ummm sure..." Spike then peered into the glass counter, taking a look at the various decorated and all delicious pastries. "Hmmm..." shifting his sight over each item, with Pinkie Pie doing the same, he then came across something that dazzled him. "Oooohhhh what about that?!" Spike clamored, drooling at the sight of what he found. Pinkie put her face up to it and smiled brightly. "Oooohhhh triple chocolate fudge caaake." Pinkie said mesmerized by the wondrous design and texture of the cake she remembered help bake a few days ago. "H-how much is?!" Spike screamed, desperate to have this delicacy made of the best chocolate ever, and the fudge ever, and the best dough ever. "That cake is..." Pinkie put her hoof to her chin to try and remember the price they put on it. "...Uhh oh! 100 bits!" "100 bits?! b-b-but that's almost all of the money I've got left from our stash! "Aww sorry Spike but this here cake is one of our best, gotta charge high for my favorite!" "But, isn't everything your favorite?" Spike said, confused by the pony's statement. "Well yeah, but this is my super duper bestest best favorite!" Pinkie cheered, bouncing around Spike. Thinking for a bit, Spike knew he had to keep some money left in case of an actual emergency, and not just because of Twilight being paranoid, but then that cake.... It looked so good, and smelled even better, it's taste had to be absolutely incredible for it to cost 100 bits. After racking his brain for a few more seconds he had decided to buy the cake.
"Ooohhh....alright I'll buy it, please just take the money before I decide to change my mind." Spike winced as he handed over the money, hoping Twilight would be too enthralled by the food to realize their emergency budget had been reduced to a fifth of it's original amount. "Oh boy! I hope Twilight loves this cake as much as I do. Ohhh oh oh! I got an idea, let me come with you Spike! I can deliver the cake to her personally!" the pink mare said clopping her hooves together in excitement. Spike cringed upon hearing this, "Uhhh I don't know she's uhh busy studying" "Ohh come on, it'll just be a little visit, I won't be long." Spike was now getting worried, he knew Twilight was quite...spazzy about her weight currently, and she didn't seem likely to let anypony know just yet what happened to her. Uhh umm well...alright." Spike just couldn't come up with a good excuse, besides, better Pinkie to be the first to see Twi, then anypony else. "Woohoo! Alright! let's go!" Pinkie said, balancing the cake box on her head, running out of the bakery along with Spike. After calming her down, well as best as you could calm down Pinkie Pie, the two had stopped running. Along the way Pinkie asked something that was still bugging her. "Hey, Spike?" "Yeah?" he asked back to the mare. " Do you really think Twilight will need all that food, I mean she's been hungry before, but not enough to eat 20 carrots, 30 turnips, 10 daffodil sandwiches and a whole cake." Pinkie wondered, tilting her head. Spike, thinking that it was no use being so secretive, considering she'd find out soon enough, decided to be a little more truthful. "Well...something happened to her..." Spike said, but then he was interrupted by Pinkie Pie. "*gasp*! Oh no, is she sick, did she break something? Did she touch Poison Joke again!?" "No!...no, she...ehhh, you'll see when we get there." Spike said,twiddling his claws together.
Once the two had gotten to the door of the library they heard a gigantic belch come from inside. "BBBBBUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hearing this shocked even Pinkie into silence. "What was that?!" Spike, wincing as he put his hand to the doorknob, closed his eyes and opened the door. "Well Twilight I'm back, and....uhhh are you alright?"