A huge shadow cast itself over me, and I looked up to see what might have been a glacier about to fall on me. I could literally feel the huge sweat drop falling down the back of my head. I heard someone shout "LOOK OUT!!!" just before being launched out of the way. I hit the ground just as the ice hit the ground. The area shook with the force of the impact and I reached up to cover my face (I'd landed on my back), only to feel something soft and hear a gasp. Another sweat drop fell down my head as I quickly let go of what I'd just touched and kept my eyes closed. "Uummm... Sorry... Bout that... but could you maybe get off? So I can see?" I managed to say.
"Oh! Yeah... Sorry bout that." She replied, or at least, it sounded like a she. I opened my eyes to see a girl shifting off me and sit to the side. I groaned in pain as I attempted to get up. "Aw, man, that hurt... You ok?" I looked over to see the girl looked rather unharmed and a bit ashamed.
"Yes, I'm alright... You aren't hurt bad, are you?" She replied in a quiet, reserved voice. "I'll be ok. I've had worse. Although I should thank you. It not every day one nearly gets crushed by a giant block of ice." I answered, jokingly.
She cringed at that. "Sorry. I came out here to practice some techniques and I didn't think anyone would be around here."
My eyes bulged. "That was you? Oh! Wow! That was awesome! I wish I could do something like that. Most I've ever made was a snow fort, which isn't really ice."
She laughed at that. "Well, I'm glad you weren't hurt. Oh! We haven't introduced ourselves, have we? My name is Mizore. I'm a snow woman." She smiled. I was starting to like those.
"Well, I'm Riku. I just got here a few minutes ago..." I paused, remembering my suitcases. "OH CRAP!!! MY STUFF!!!" I ran over to where I had been and saw that, while not crushed under the ice, the suitcases had been torn in some places and covered in dirt and rocks. "Well, at least they didn't get crushed..."
"I'm so sorry about that." Mizore said as she walked up.
"It all looks mostly intact. I'll probably need to wash my clothes, but otherwise, I don't think anything is too bad." I said, reassuringly, as I began gathering everything together.
"Well, so long as everything is ok, I'll take my leave then." Mizore said, bowing before turning away.
"I'll see you later then." I waved as I made my way to the school.
Note from the author: I appreciate, and would like to encourage others to add to my story. I find it fun and challenging to work off of someone else's chapters, as well as my own. Feel free to add something you think would be appropriate, or just throw a wrench in there for kicks. XD