Marie's eyes cracked open, as if she just woke up. Cold bars were the first thing she saw, until she fully opened her eyes to an entire cage. Sweet smells constantly hit her nose as she examined the area outside of the bird cage.
"Am I...", she thought in her head, seeing what appeared to be a house interior completely made of sweets,"... Am I Gretel?"
An oddly beautful lady in a witch's outfit appeared. "Hello, lovely. I'm so glad to see that you're awake! Do you want something to eat?"
The witch was unlike the ones you'd here in tales, in multiple ways. Instead of the known ugly green face, she looked very human, besides her oddly red eyes. She was also quite curvy, and her fabric intended to show that off, and to top it all off, her voice sweet, almost hypnotizing.
Marie weakly responded, "I guess I am a little hungry", leaving the witch very excited. "Alright!", said the witch, "Hansel, your sister would like a nice (fattening) meal." Soon, Hansel walked into the room with a plate of chocolate on his hand. "Alright, here you go", he said, and with that, he was off. No hi, no anything, just a disappointed look on his face when he left. "Wonder why he looked so grim...", she thought to herself.
She sat down and layed the plate on her lap, hesitantly picking up the first piece, and then quickly shoved it in her mouth.Almost instantly amazing flavors flooded her taste buds,and she finally realized how hungry she was, and with that, she scarfed down the rest of the chocolates.
Everything was good until suddenly she began feeling strange. She looked around, examining her body, hoping she could find what was responsible, but she found much worse. Her belly began to slowly push outwards, tightening the fabric on her dress, followed by her rear, which splayed a few more inches while she sat, pulling up her dress just enough to reveal her thickening thighs, making it harder to sit criss cross, her breasts outgrowing her original C. Even worse, her stomach rumbled even louder than before.
"Looks like someone's still hungry...", the witch smirked, and with just a snap, there was even more chocolate...